The Cremation Of Care

The Cremation Of Care
40 Ft. Stone Moloch Statue, Worshiped By World Leaders, Including Bush, Clinton, Tony Blair, Bono, and Kissinger Every Year In Mid July

Blog Motto

It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts... For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.

-Patrick Henry

Vice Blog Motto

Resistance To Tyranny Is Obediance To God.

- Benjamin Franklin

Speaker Of The Motto

Nazis...I HATE These Guys.

-Indiana Jones

"Fire Will Have Its Will With Thee!"

"Fire Will Have Its Will With Thee!"

Watch The Satanic "Cremation Of Care" Ritual

Lonely Are The Brave

"Offer Them Up To Moloch"

"Offer Them Up To Moloch"



The CONFESSION Of An Evildoer

The hijackers were instruments of evil who died in vain. Behind them is a cult of evil which seeks to harm the innocent and thrives on human suffering. Theirs is the worst kind of cruelty, the cruelty that is fed, not weakened, by tears. Theirs is the worst kind of violence, pure malice, while daring to claim the authority of God. We cannot fully understand the designs and power of evil. It is enough to know that evil, like goodness, exists. And in the terrorists, evil has found a willing servant.

-George Walker Bush

Google Spider Goats...Begin Your Journey Here!!

Open Your Mind: Occult Symbolism All Around

Alex Jones' "Endgame"

The Order Of Death

Lakeside Chats At The Bohemian Grove, 1957

Lakeside Chats At The Bohemian Grove, 1957

Sir Henry Explains The Prez "Will Have To Do 'Certain Things'"

The Trial Of Henry Kissinger

Winnipeg Legislature: Pagan Temple In The Dead Center Of North America

The United States Government LOVES Concentration Camps

Washington Monument is Not Alligned With The White House...

Washington Monument is Not Alligned With The White House...
It is alligned with The Masonic Temple, 13 blocks to the north.

Mr. Cool, David Gergen, Flips His Lid

Terrorstorm 2nd Edition...Gore Vidal And Jesse Ventura Fight Evil

This Is An Orange...Any Questions

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy Pt 1

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy Pt 2

Riddles In Stone: The Secret Occult Architecture Of Washington DC

Dr. Stanley Monteith Presents "The Brotherhood Of Darkness"

Look Up!

Look Up!
You'r Being Gased!

Conspiracy Of Silence (Underage Male Prostitutes, Bohemian Grove, and The Bush "Fellas")

The Franklin Cover Up

To read the entire book about the Sex Pedophile Ring, that leads to the Bohmeian Grove, George H.W. Bushes White House, his son's press room, and the MURDER of Hunter S. Thompson...Click HERE

Johnny Gosch News Story

Dick Cheney and The Most Dangerous Game (Warning: Adult Content)

A Note From The Editor...

Some of these clips are increadably grainy, and have led some to question their validity or authenticity. While, "Trust Me" is not any sort of journalistic response, I can simply say that were we not running a constant Info War against Google and You Tube, now both CIA organs, gathering every bit of information on you and storing it in the worlds largest building on the worlds largest computer (look it up), and SIMULTANEOUSLY pulling EVERY video that gets near the truth altogether or only allowing sincerely degraded versions, while the rest are locked in the vaults of Rockefeller Center, Black Rock, and behind the gates of Mousechwitz and Duckau in Beautiful Downtown Burbank...and in the memories of MILLIONS who saw them...well, I can only present the evidince which the Lord High Arbiters Of "News" reluctantly allow a simple minded "citizen" such as myself. Everything on the internet is suspect to me, simply because they have just as many dis-information experts laying a mine field of honey pots to discredit us.

So the best I can say is that I sat there and watched the BBC Building 7 video be posted, then pulled, then reposted, then pulled as "Inappropriate," then BBC shut down its website, then it be posted again, then pulled again, then finally the tide of the Info Warriors swamped them. All within the course of about 7 hours. I watched it real time. Then the next day BBC claimed that they had a "cock up" and lost ALL of their Air Checks for September 11th on both BBC in Britain and BBC World...coincidentally within 24 hours of someone finding them prematurely reporting the collapse of Building 7 and a game of tug of war on Google and You Tube between REAL journalists, and The Goebles Broadcasting Conglomerate.

I give you my word I will post nothing questionable.

I give you my word that I have seen, repeatedly, the clip of Sarah McClendon asking Clinton about the concentration camps in CRYSTAL CLEAR hi resolution video. But that was pulled and this is all they have left.

But there are no cuts, he did say it.

Fight The Info War


Sarah McClendon Asks Clinton If There Are Concentration Camps For Americans...He Never Says No

Arnold Posing With Bloomberg On Time Sporting An SS Officer Deaths Head Belt Buckle

Arnold Posing With Bloomberg On Time Sporting An SS Officer Deaths Head Belt Buckle
Brazen as can be, notice how his tie is specifically to the side to show the skull.

Arnold's Belt, SS Hat Insignia, Order Of Skull And Bones Logo

Arnold's Belt, SS Hat Insignia, Order Of Skull And Bones Logo

From The Mouths Of Hags

From The Mouths Of Hags

The Bushes Are Provably Nazis

Deutches Is As Deutches Does

Deutches Is As Deutches Does
The Duke And Dutches Of "Windsor" Are Received By Their Host

Operation Paperclip Nazis Pose For Group Photo In US

Operation Paperclip Nazis Pose For Group Photo In US

Operation Paperclip

Head Of The Inquisition

Head Of The Inquisition
Look it up, ya lazy dumb ass!

Head Of The Inquisition Just RADIATING Christian Love

Head Of The Inquisition Just RADIATING Christian Love

Ratzinger In His Spiffy New Pope Outfit

Ratzinger In His Spiffy New Pope Outfit
Complete with Scarlet and Gold, A Phoenix and a Rozen Kruets, or a Roths Shield or a...well you figure it out.

Heil Papa! Ratzinger In His Spiffy Hitler Youth Uniform.

Heil Papa!  Ratzinger In His Spiffy Hitler Youth Uniform.

Bill Clinton Admits MK Ultra To Mind Control

MK Ultra And The Unibomber

"Poppy" Bush Declaring Future Victory

Former Head Of The Los Angeles Office Of FBI: CIA, Satansim And Child Sex

NBC Reports On Call Boys In White House

The Clinton Chronicles

Time Magazine Man Of The Year 1938

Time Magazine Man Of The Year 1938

The Occult History Of The Third Reich

We're The "Good Guys?"

We're The "Good Guys?"

Monday, July 30, 2007

Chertoff Hired Head Of KGB Primakov and Stasi Wolff To Advise

Ex-KGB and STASI Chiefs To Work Under Chertoff KGB and STASI reinforce Homeland Security
Foreign Press Foundation December 16, 2004Why have Soviet secret service 'KGB', General Yevgeni Primakov, as well as Markus Wolfe, the ex-boss of the ''STASI'', the equally feared former East German 'State Security Police' been hired by - and for - the US Gov't.? PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTANDING NOR SEEING THIS ''MENE TEKEL'' ARE BRAINWASHED BLIND... These appointments have already been made If somebody would inform you, that the former Ex-head of the inhuman and despicable Soviet secret service 'KGB', General Yevgeni Primakov, as well as Markus Wolfe, the ex-boss of the ''STASI'', the equally feared former East German ''State Security Police'' - (Staats Sicherheitsdienst) - have been hired by the United States Gov't for the lawless and already feared secret service "HOMELAND Security", as experts to reinforce the control in the US of all it's citizens: would that make you sleep badly ? Im sorry to wreck your night's rest, but it seems that it just happened to you, or, better said: to all of us globally. Nobody - outside the US mainstream media's reach - would be surprised if the US neocons would appoint a revived Dr. Josef Mengele from Auschwitz as the new Head of Medicare. A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO [1997-06-09] WOLFE FROM THE STASI WAS REFUSED A VISA TO THE US BECAUSE HE WAS A TERRORIST. Or do you still belong to this completely brainwashed group which - standing in the rain - assures everybody that it's dry and quite sunny still? Up to one's neck in the manure; saying it doesn't smell .... ? Saying US concentration camps do not exist and are not prepared? Bad luck: you even might end up there if you keep reading items like this. An American friend of mine, Jim Kirwan, today send me his views on this very underreported matter in an article called: "Tribute" a Submission: "The White House today paid tribute to three individuals by awarding each of them, the 'American Medal of Freedom'. This is the nation's highest honor for civilians, who have contributed to the advancement of this country and the world. The awards went to retired General Tommy Franks, for his role in fighting the Iraq War; to George Tenet, for his role as the head of CIA Intelligence in the same war; and to Paul Bremer, the civilian administrator of Iraq, for his administration of the aftermath of that invasion. All three men failed miserably in their assigned duties, but each was nonetheless awarded a 'Medal of Freedom' for their respective efforts. For his part, Bush was ''re-elected'' to the office he has occupied since 2000. Indeed a black day for ''Freedom'' in the United States (and all countries the US warmachine is trying to dominate, using genocidal 'Might' instead of 'Right'. -HR) Which brings us to the next group of sterling individuals who will no-doubt be awarded their own Medals of Freedom, in the very near future. The first will be the new Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, the man who has remained as close as a shadow to Bush since his governorship in Texas. This is the genius who wrote all those legalistic overrides of the Geneva Conventions so that we might have unlimited charge of ''enemy combatants'' worldwide. He's also the man who created the contents of that evil pair of Patriot Acts, that serve as bookends for the legalistic crushing of what's left of law and government responsibilities under the new ''Terror Laws''. This guy's a ''must have'' if we are to remain on track for Fascism in America, in 21st Century style. The second recipient of the next round of ''Freedom Medals'' ought to be Ex-Admiral Poindexter, for setting up 'Total Information Awareness' (TIA) prior to 911, but he's been officially trashed, so that's impossible. Instead the award could probably go to one of his additions to the offices of HOMELAND Security: That would be the Ex-head of the Soviet KGB, General Yevgeni Primakov: The third Medal ought to go to the latest addition to HOMELAND Security. That would be the former East German STASI chief, Markus Wolfe*, a master of manipulation and intimidation - just what we now need to run our ''Secret National Spy Service'': Sounds like business as usual, but wait: this is not what it might appear to be. When we took Nazi scientists after W.W.II, to work on weapons systems, they were severely limited to working on systems that other civilians had control over. We knew who they were and what they were, and they were monitored. This time, these vicious and utterly barbaric individuals will be employed specifically for the very skills they brought to their communist states, only now they are being imported to decide who lives and who dies in America. [See below: US Concentration camps?*] These men have not changed, they are who they are, and that is exactly why Bush & the Bandits want them to run those aspects of HOMELAND Security, that spy on and attempt to co-opt U.S. Citizens. USA is paying ex-barbarians to harass and prosecute Americans. If these men were to appear for work, in the uniforms of their former States, the public would be outraged, and rightfully so! But that's exactly what is happening here, only no one seems the least bit disturbed that the Government of the USA is paying ex-barbarians to harass and prosecute Americans under the guise of ''HOMELAND Security requirements.'' This is not a proposal ''these appointments have already been made'' maybe that's why the Bush government insists on doing everything in SECRET. Do you like the idea that the former head of the KGB will be practicing his skills on Americans, and getting a handsome US paycheck for his efforts to control us? Do you like the idea that the ex-General in charge of the world's most notorious secret service, in charge of spying on the citizens in Communist East Germany, will also be getting a handsome paycheck from US taxpayers, to practice his obscenities on us? Potential disaster Most who have heard about this addition to HOMELAND security, believe that 'it sucks!'' Maybe if enough of us actually question the wisdom of these appointments, on the record - then perhaps - something more creative could be done about this potential disaster. People here work really hard for every penny today, thanks to Bush & his Bandits; so why should we have to pay the cushy salaries of these particular despicable thugs, who have made careers out of torture and lies, not to mention having held lifelong professional hatreds of our supposed way-of-life.* United States ''Homeland Security'' ? Bush created this 180,000 person agency out of 22 separate agencies, and to date, the public has seen nothing but bad jokes come from this huge and out-of-touch beast. But under the guidance of these former slave state torturers, maybe things will move along much more efficiently? Maybe there are no longer any real differences between the belief systems at the top of the transnational corporate food chain. Maybe what is being used against the population here is only what so many corporate powers have been reluctant to do for far too long. Apparently the real powers must now feel very comfortable, at this present moment, when all pretense can finally be dropped and the USA can finally take its place among the tyrannical empires that have preceded us on that one-way road to owning everything and everyone? Think about that day, in the near future when the Bushwhacker will pin the American ''Medal of Freedom'' upon the shapeless chests of these three despicable throwbacks (in the grand tradition he just established today) - and don't forget how many more Americans they will each mutually be responsible for sending to prison, to torture, or to death.* This is not just ''politics'' anymore; this is 'Tribute', being paid out in the actions that we take as a nation, against our own people. Who profits from these appointments, and who pays? ************************************************************************* * HR: And this is what I found the White House said earlier about Wolfe: ''he sponsored terrorist attacks against us, why would we give him a visa?" Excerpt from the U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing #87, 97-06-09* QUESTION: Do you have anything on the visa situation of Mr. Wolfe, of the former East Germany? MR. BURNS: You know, I think I do have something on that, George, and I'm glad you raised that question. Yes. We're talking about Markus Wolfe, the former head of Stasi, right? The East German police. Well, he was refused a visa, as my records show, in 1996. He was deemed to be ineligible for an American visa under Section 212(a)(3)(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This section states that aliens who have engaged in terrorist activities are not eligible for visas to travel to the United States. It covers several types of terrorist activities, including preparing and planning terrorist activities, providing material support to those ho have committed or plan to commit terrorist acts. He was the deputy minister of state security for East Germany. He was the head of the ministry's foreign espionage branch. He actively aided and abetted and fostered international and state-supported terrorism when he was an East German government official. As the number 2 person in Stasi and the head of the espionage branch, he was absolutely in the decision-making channel. There's no question about that. By his own admission, he participated in determining the ministry's policy and goals and he's, therefore, ineligible. We, in the State Department, do not believe it is appropriate to give him a waiver from Section 212(a)(3)(b) because we think it is inadvisable for someone who spent his entire career as an opponent of free German, West Germany, as an opponent of the German people, and someone who is anti-American and trying to bring down our government and sponsor terrorist attacks against us, why would we give him a visa? So, he is not coming to the United States. He can write his best-selling books, but he won't be able to enjoy the United States throughout the rest of his life if we have anything to do with it." [end quote-BURNS] U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing #87, 97-06-09: * Burns - Quote* Jim Kirwan* ''Global Terror by Secret US Death Squads''* Possible destiny: US Concentration camps/FEMA: * Dr. Josef Mengele

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