The Cremation Of Care

The Cremation Of Care
40 Ft. Stone Moloch Statue, Worshiped By World Leaders, Including Bush, Clinton, Tony Blair, Bono, and Kissinger Every Year In Mid July

Blog Motto

It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts... For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.

-Patrick Henry

Vice Blog Motto

Resistance To Tyranny Is Obediance To God.

- Benjamin Franklin

Speaker Of The Motto

Nazis...I HATE These Guys.

-Indiana Jones

"Fire Will Have Its Will With Thee!"

"Fire Will Have Its Will With Thee!"

Watch The Satanic "Cremation Of Care" Ritual

Lonely Are The Brave

"Offer Them Up To Moloch"

"Offer Them Up To Moloch"



The CONFESSION Of An Evildoer

The hijackers were instruments of evil who died in vain. Behind them is a cult of evil which seeks to harm the innocent and thrives on human suffering. Theirs is the worst kind of cruelty, the cruelty that is fed, not weakened, by tears. Theirs is the worst kind of violence, pure malice, while daring to claim the authority of God. We cannot fully understand the designs and power of evil. It is enough to know that evil, like goodness, exists. And in the terrorists, evil has found a willing servant.

-George Walker Bush

Google Spider Goats...Begin Your Journey Here!!

Open Your Mind: Occult Symbolism All Around

Alex Jones' "Endgame"

The Order Of Death

Lakeside Chats At The Bohemian Grove, 1957

Lakeside Chats At The Bohemian Grove, 1957

Sir Henry Explains The Prez "Will Have To Do 'Certain Things'"

The Trial Of Henry Kissinger

Winnipeg Legislature: Pagan Temple In The Dead Center Of North America

The United States Government LOVES Concentration Camps

Washington Monument is Not Alligned With The White House...

Washington Monument is Not Alligned With The White House...
It is alligned with The Masonic Temple, 13 blocks to the north.

Mr. Cool, David Gergen, Flips His Lid

Terrorstorm 2nd Edition...Gore Vidal And Jesse Ventura Fight Evil

This Is An Orange...Any Questions

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy Pt 1

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy Pt 2

Riddles In Stone: The Secret Occult Architecture Of Washington DC

Dr. Stanley Monteith Presents "The Brotherhood Of Darkness"

Look Up!

Look Up!
You'r Being Gased!

Conspiracy Of Silence (Underage Male Prostitutes, Bohemian Grove, and The Bush "Fellas")

The Franklin Cover Up

To read the entire book about the Sex Pedophile Ring, that leads to the Bohmeian Grove, George H.W. Bushes White House, his son's press room, and the MURDER of Hunter S. Thompson...Click HERE

Johnny Gosch News Story

Dick Cheney and The Most Dangerous Game (Warning: Adult Content)

A Note From The Editor...

Some of these clips are increadably grainy, and have led some to question their validity or authenticity. While, "Trust Me" is not any sort of journalistic response, I can simply say that were we not running a constant Info War against Google and You Tube, now both CIA organs, gathering every bit of information on you and storing it in the worlds largest building on the worlds largest computer (look it up), and SIMULTANEOUSLY pulling EVERY video that gets near the truth altogether or only allowing sincerely degraded versions, while the rest are locked in the vaults of Rockefeller Center, Black Rock, and behind the gates of Mousechwitz and Duckau in Beautiful Downtown Burbank...and in the memories of MILLIONS who saw them...well, I can only present the evidince which the Lord High Arbiters Of "News" reluctantly allow a simple minded "citizen" such as myself. Everything on the internet is suspect to me, simply because they have just as many dis-information experts laying a mine field of honey pots to discredit us.

So the best I can say is that I sat there and watched the BBC Building 7 video be posted, then pulled, then reposted, then pulled as "Inappropriate," then BBC shut down its website, then it be posted again, then pulled again, then finally the tide of the Info Warriors swamped them. All within the course of about 7 hours. I watched it real time. Then the next day BBC claimed that they had a "cock up" and lost ALL of their Air Checks for September 11th on both BBC in Britain and BBC World...coincidentally within 24 hours of someone finding them prematurely reporting the collapse of Building 7 and a game of tug of war on Google and You Tube between REAL journalists, and The Goebles Broadcasting Conglomerate.

I give you my word I will post nothing questionable.

I give you my word that I have seen, repeatedly, the clip of Sarah McClendon asking Clinton about the concentration camps in CRYSTAL CLEAR hi resolution video. But that was pulled and this is all they have left.

But there are no cuts, he did say it.

Fight The Info War


Sarah McClendon Asks Clinton If There Are Concentration Camps For Americans...He Never Says No

Arnold Posing With Bloomberg On Time Sporting An SS Officer Deaths Head Belt Buckle

Arnold Posing With Bloomberg On Time Sporting An SS Officer Deaths Head Belt Buckle
Brazen as can be, notice how his tie is specifically to the side to show the skull.

Arnold's Belt, SS Hat Insignia, Order Of Skull And Bones Logo

Arnold's Belt, SS Hat Insignia, Order Of Skull And Bones Logo

From The Mouths Of Hags

From The Mouths Of Hags

The Bushes Are Provably Nazis

Deutches Is As Deutches Does

Deutches Is As Deutches Does
The Duke And Dutches Of "Windsor" Are Received By Their Host

Operation Paperclip Nazis Pose For Group Photo In US

Operation Paperclip Nazis Pose For Group Photo In US

Operation Paperclip

Head Of The Inquisition

Head Of The Inquisition
Look it up, ya lazy dumb ass!

Head Of The Inquisition Just RADIATING Christian Love

Head Of The Inquisition Just RADIATING Christian Love

Ratzinger In His Spiffy New Pope Outfit

Ratzinger In His Spiffy New Pope Outfit
Complete with Scarlet and Gold, A Phoenix and a Rozen Kruets, or a Roths Shield or a...well you figure it out.

Heil Papa! Ratzinger In His Spiffy Hitler Youth Uniform.

Heil Papa!  Ratzinger In His Spiffy Hitler Youth Uniform.

Bill Clinton Admits MK Ultra To Mind Control

MK Ultra And The Unibomber

"Poppy" Bush Declaring Future Victory

Former Head Of The Los Angeles Office Of FBI: CIA, Satansim And Child Sex

NBC Reports On Call Boys In White House

The Clinton Chronicles

Time Magazine Man Of The Year 1938

Time Magazine Man Of The Year 1938

The Occult History Of The Third Reich

We're The "Good Guys?"

We're The "Good Guys?"

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The White Rose By Jacob G. Hornberger

January 1996
The date was February 22, 1943. Hans Scholl and his sister Sophie, along with their best friend, Christoph Probst, were scheduled to be executed by Nazi officials that afternoon. The prison guards were so impressed with the calm and bravery of the prisoners in the face of impending death that they violated regulations by permitting them to meet together one last time. Hans, a medical student at the University of Munich, was 24. Sophie, a student, was 21. Christoph, a medical student, was 22. This is the story of The White Rose. It is a lesson in dissent. It is a tale of courage--of principle--of honor. It is detailed in three books: The White Rose (1970) by Inge Scholl, A Noble Treason (1979) by Richard Hanser, and An Honourable Defeat (1994) by Anton Gill. Hans and Sophie Scholl were German teenagers in the 1930s. Like other young Germans, they enthusiastically joined the Hitler Youth. They believed that Adolf Hitler was leading Germany and the German people back to greatness. Their parents were not so enthusiastic. Their father--Robert Scholl--told his children that Hitler and the Nazis were leading Germany down a road of destruction. Later--in 1942--he would serve time in a Nazi prison for telling his secretary: "The war! It is already lost. This Hitler is God's scourge on mankind, and if the war doesn't end soon the Russians will be sitting in Berlin." Gradually, Hans and Sophie began realizing that their father was right. They concluded that, in the name of freedom and the greater good of the German nation, Hitler and the Nazis were enslaving and destroying the German people. They also knew that open dissent was impossible in Nazi Germany, especially after the start of World War II. Most Germans took the traditional position-that once war breaks out, it is the duty of the citizen to support the troops by supporting the government. But Hans and Sophie Scholl believed differently. They believed that it was the duty of a citizen, even in times of war, to stand up against an evil regime, especially when it is sending hundreds of thousands of its citizens to their deaths. The Scholl siblings began sharing their feelings with a few of their friends--Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell, Willi Graf--as well as with Kurt Huber, their psychology and philosophy professor. One day in 1942, copies of a leaflet entitled "The White Rose" suddenly appeared at the University of Munich. The leaflet contained an anonymous essay that said that the Nazi system had slowly imprisoned the German people and was now destroying them. The Nazi regime had turned evil. It was time, the essay said, for Germans to rise up and resist the tyranny of their own government. At the bottom of the essay, the following request appeared: "Please make as many copies of this leaflet as you can and distribute them." The leaflet caused a tremendous stir among the student body. It was the first time that internal dissent against the Nazi regime had surfaced in Germany. The essay had been secretly written and distributed by Hans Scholl and his friends. Another leaflet appeared soon afterward. And then another. And another. Ultimately, there were six leaflets published and distributed by Hans and Sophie Scholl and their friends--four under the title "The White Rose" and two under the title "Leaflets of the Resistance." Their publication took place periodically between 1942 and 1943--interrupted for a few months when Hans and his friends were temporarily sent to the Eastern Front to fight against the Russians. The members of The White Rose, of course, had to act cautiously. The Nazi regime maintained an iron grip over German society. Internal dissent was quickly and efficiently smashed by the Gestapo. Hans and Sophie Scholl and their friends knew what would happen to them if they were caught. People began receiving copies of the leaflets in the mail. Students at the University of Hamburg began copying and distributing them. Copies began turning up in different parts of Germany and Austria. Moreover, as Hanser points out, the members of The White Rose did not limit themselves to leaflets. Graffiti began appearing in large letters on streets and buildings all over Munich: "Down with Hitler! . . . Hitler the Mass Murderer!" and "Freiheit! . . . Freiheit! . . . Freedom! . . . Freedom!" The Gestapo was driven into a frenzy. It knew that the authors were having to procure large quantities of paper, envelopes, and postage. It knew that they were using a duplicating machine. But despite the Gestapo's best efforts, it was unable to catch the perpetrators. One day--February 18, 1943--Hans' and Sophie's luck ran out. They were caught leaving pamphlets at the University of Munich and were arrested. A search disclosed evidence of Christoph Probst's participation, and he too was soon arrested. The three of them were indicted for treason. On February 22--four days after their arrest--their trial began. The presiding judge, Roland Freisler, chief justice of the People's Court of the Greater German Reich, had been sent from Berlin. Hanser writes: "He conducted the trial as if the future of the Reich were indeed at stake. He roared denunciations of the accused as if he were not the judge but the prosecutor. He behaved alternately like an actor ranting through an overwritten role in an implausible melodrama and a Grand Inquisitor calling down eternal damnation on the heads of the three irredeemable heretics before him.... No witnesses were called, since the defendants had admitted everything. The proceedings consisted almost entirely of Roland Freisler's denunciation and abuse, punctuated from time to time by half-hearted offerings from the court-appointed defense attorneys, one of whom summed up his case with the observation, "I can only say fiat justitia . Let justice be done." By which he meant: Let the accused get what they deserve. Freisler and the other accusers could not understand what had happened to these German youths. After all, they all came from nice German families. They all had attended German schools. They had been members of the Hitler Youth. How could they have turned out to be traitors? What had so twisted and warped their minds? Sophie Scholl shocked everyone in the courtroom when she remarked to Freisler: "Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare to express themselves as we did." Later in the proceedings, she said to him: "You know the war is lost. Why don't you have the courage to face it?" In the middle of the trial, Robert and Magdalene Scholl tried to enter the courtroom. Magdalene said to the guard: "But I'm the mother of two of the accused." The guard responded: "You should have brought them up better." Robert Scholl forced his way into the courtroom and told the court that he was there to defend his children. He was seized and forcibly escorted outside. The entire courtroom heard him shout: "One day there will be another kind of justice! One day they will go down in history!" Robert Freisler pronounced his judgment on the three defendants: Guilty of treason. Their sentence: Death. They were escorted back to Stadelheim prison, where the guards permitted Hans and Sophie to have one last visit with their parents. Hans met with them first, and then Sophie. Hansen writes: "His eyes were clear and steady and he showed no sign of dejection or despair. He thanked his parents again for the love and warmth they had given him and he asked them to convey his affection and regard to a number of friends, whom he named. Here, for a moment, tears threatened, and he turned away to spare his parents the pain of seeing them. Facing them again, his shoulders were back and he smiled. . . . "Then a woman prison guard brought in Sophie. . . . Her mother tentatively offered her some candy, which Hans had declined. "Gladly," said Sophie, taking it. "After all, I haven't had any lunch!" She, too, looked somehow smaller, as if drawn together, but her face was clear and her smile was fresh and unforced, with something in it that her parents read as triumph. "Sophie, Sophie," her mother murmured, as if to herself. "To think you'll never be coming through the door again!" Sophie's smile was gentle. "Ah, Mother," she said. "Those few little years. . . ." Sophie Scholl looked at her parents and was strong in her pride and certainty. "We took everything upon ourselves," she said. "What we did will cause waves." Her mother spoke again: "Sophie," she said softly, "Remember Jesus." "Yes," replied Sophie earnestly, almost commandingly, "but you, too." She left them, her parents, Robert and Magdalene Scholl, with her face still lit by the smile they loved so well and would never see again. She was perfectly composed as she was led away. Robert Mohr [a Gestapo official], who had come out to the prison on business of his own, saw her in her cell immediately afterwards, and she was crying. It was the first time Robert Mohr had seen her in tears, and she apologized. "I have just said good-bye to my parents," she said. "You understand . . ." She had not cried before her parents. For them she had smiled." No relatives visited Christoph Probst. His wife, who had just had their third child, was in the hospital. Neither she nor any members of his family even knew that he was on trial or that he had been sentenced to death. While his faith in God had always been deep and unwavering, he had never committed to a certain faith. On the eve of his death, a Catholic priest admitted him into the church in articulo mortis --at the point of death. "Now," he said, "my death will be easy and joyful." That afternoon, the prison guards permitted Hans, Sophie, and Christoph to have one last visit together. Sophie was then led to the guillotine. One observer described her as she walked to her death: "Without turning a hair, without flinching." Christoph Probst was next. Hans Scholl was last; just before he was beheaded, Hans cried out: "Long live freedom!" Unfortunately, they were not the last to die. The Gestapo's investigation was relentless. Later tried and executed were Alex Schmorell (age 25), Willi Graf (age 25), and Kurt Huber (age 49). Students at the University of Hamburg were either executed or sent to concentration camps. Today, every German knows the story of The White Rose. A square at the University of Munich is named after Hans and Sophie Scholl. And there are streets, squares, and schools all over Germany named for the members of The White Rose. The German movie The White Rose is now found in video stores in Germany and the United States. Richard Hansen sums up the story of The White Rose: "In the vogue words of the time, the Scholls and their friends represented the "other" Germany, the land of poets and thinkers, in contrast to the Germany that was reverting to barbarism and trying to take the world with it. What they were and what they did would have been "other" in any society at any time. What they did transcended the easy division of good-German/bad-German and lifted them above the nationalism of time--bound events. Their actions made them enduring symbols of the struggle, universal and timeless, for the freedom of the human spirit wherever and whenever it is threatened. "
Mr. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. This essay was reprinted in Voices of the Holocaust, a book for high-school students published by Perfection Learning Corporation, 1000 N. Second Ave., Logan, IA 51546.

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