Operation Paperclip
Head Of The Inquisition

Look it up, ya lazy dumb ass!
Head Of The Inquisition Just RADIATING Christian Love

Ratzinger In His Spiffy New Pope Outfit

Complete with Scarlet and Gold, A Phoenix and a Rozen Kruets, or a Roths Shield or a...well you figure it out.
Heil Papa! Ratzinger In His Spiffy Hitler Youth Uniform.

Bill Clinton Admits MK Ultra To Mind Control
MK Ultra And The Unibomber
"Poppy" Bush Declaring Future Victory
Former Head Of The Los Angeles Office Of FBI: CIA, Satansim And Child Sex
NBC Reports On Call Boys In White House
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography By Webster Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin
- American Caligula
- 1 House Of Bush: Born In A Bank
- 2 The Hitler Project
- 3 Race Hygine: Three Bush Family Alliances
- 4 The Center Of Power Is In Washington
- 5 Poppy And Mommy
- 6 Bush In World War II
- 7 Skull And Bones: Racist Nightmare At Yale
- 8 The Permian Basin Gang 1948-59
- 8b The Bay Of Pigs And The Kennedy Assassination
- 9 Bush Challenges Yarborough For The Senate
- 10 Rubbers Goes To Congress
- 11 United Nations Ambassador, Kissinger Clone
- 13 Bush Attempts The Vice Presidency, 1974
- 12 Chairman George In Watergate
- 14 Bush In Beijing
- 15 CIA Director
- 16 Campaign 1980
- 17 The Attempted Coup D'Etat Of March 30, 1981
- 18 Iran Contra
- 19 The Leveraged Buy Out Gang
- 20 The Phony War On Drugs
- 21 Omaha
- 22 Bush Takes The Presidency
- 23 The End Of History
- 24 The New World Order
- 25 Thyroid Storm
The Clinton Chronicles
Time Magazine Man Of The Year 1938

The Occult History Of The Third Reich
We're The "Good Guys?"

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
"Magog" Visits Alma Mater For Some Satanic Mansex

An interesting coincidence: The same weekend that George H. W. Bush (Y'48, S&B'forlife) dropped by New Haven to receive a Yale alumni award, witnesses saw a truck from the nearby Hamden Rental Center unloading an impressive quantity of tables and chairs at the Skull & Bones tomb. Famously absent from Boner bashes in recent years (last appearance we can confirm was in 1998), all signs point to the 83-year-old Bush Sr. as guest of honor at the Bones' latest homoerotic leather-daddy Satan-worship, or ritualized flag-burning, or whatever strange and magical things they do in those windowless buildings on High Street.
Obviously, the Bonesmen declined to comment on this story. Also obviously, there are no photos of Bush strolling into the tomb. So instead, at right, Bush frolicking in the streets of New Haven. He appears to be packing a snowball, but actually he is signing a baseball. Because that's what you do when you're old, famous, and powerful: sign sports paraphernalia that has absolutely to do with your life or career.
As for that blatant O-face beneath the words "Toad's Funk," I think we just got a new sexual euphemism.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
"And Marion Never Looked Lovelier!"

Coming Soon: The Mother Of All 9/11 Truth Hit PiecesHistory Channel, Popular Mechanics, NBC & Hearst Publishing team up for smear job as conflicts of interest run rife
Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet
Thursday, August 2, 2007
An upcoming documentary entitled The 9/11 Conspiracies, to be aired on the History Channel, may represent the biggest hit piece to date on the 9/11 truth movement and is rife with bias, cronyism and conflicts of interest.
The so-called documentary promises not to look at the flaws in the official story from a neutral perspective but to start out by suggesting that any deviation from the official line is "outrageous".
The program also features so called independent "experts" who are actually in the employ of the program makers themselves who in turn rely on scores of multi-million dollar contracts with the government and the military-industrial complex.
The program, scheduled for Sunday, August 12 at 8:00 PM and Monday, August 13 at 12:00 AM, will feature Alex Jones, the Loose Change crew and other 9/11 researchers such as Professor Steven Jones and Webster Tarpley.
(Article continues below)
One may therefore be forgiven for thinking the piece could allow for a fair representation of the 9/11 truth movement. However, a short blurb on the History Channel's website sets a rather familiar one sided tone (click for screenshot).
An Internet search for "9/11 conspiracy theories" yields nearly two million hits. Were the attacks on 9/11 perpetrated by the Bush Administration to advance its own interests? Could a government missile have hit the Pentagon? As outrageous as these ideas may sound, many people believe them. Why do these theories arise in the first place? An interview with James Meigs, Editor-in-Chief of Popular Mechanics, who refutes many of these theories. Watch as experts in the fields of aeronautics, engineering and the military put these theories to the test.
This suggests that we should be prepared for more pseudo psychology as "experts" condescendingly explain why people turn to "conspiracy theories" for comfortable simple explanations of complicated world events. Maybe the History Channel will even seek the expert analysis of the former director of the X-files just as the BBC did in their own 9/11 hit piece which was broadcast earlier this year and received a great deal of criticism for its reliance on emotional bias and avoidance of the core issues.
In the same vein as the BBC piece, the new documentary will once again feature James Meigs, Editor-in-Chief of Popular Mechanics, who is neither an expert on 9/11 research nor on engineering, but rather is an expert on yellow journalism and shilling for the Bush Administration.
Meigs has an illustrious pedigree that puts him right up there with the professors and scholars that have studied 9/11 and the architects who designed the WTC - we just can't decide which title to give prominence, his position on the editorial staff of that bastion of scientific empiricism Entertainment Weekly or the equally respected Video Review.
Meigs has flatly refused to debate 9/11 questions with either Alex Jones or the Loose Change producers and will now only appear unopposed.
Popular Mechanics is owned by Hearst Publishing. As fictionalized in Orson Welles' acclaimed film Citizen Kane, William Randolph Hearst (pictured below) wrote the book on cronyism and yellow journalism and Popular Mechanics hasn't bucked that tradition.
Enter the term "yellow journalism" in the Encyclopedia Britannica and one of the first entries you will see is William Randolph Hearst. The listing attributes to Hearst a legacy of "distorted" and "lurid" reporting, and cites him as being hugely influential in fanning the flames of the Spanish-American war as a result of his newspaper's sensationalist yellow journalism.
Popular Mechanics is owned by the very corporation that defined yellow journalism!
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Popular Mechanics is not politically independent nor is it non-partisan. Indeed, the foreword to Popular Mechanics' Debunking 9/11 Myths book was written by Republican Senator and presidential candidate John McCain.
In the foreword, McCain re-hashes an abhorrent amount of Neo-Con detritus that relies solely on 9/11 having happened exactly as the government claims it did. "We liberated Afghanistan from the murderous rule of the Taliban, our attackers' proud hosts. We chased Al Qaeda around the globe," barks the Arizona Senator.
Does this sound politically neutral to you?
In addition, Popular Mechanics' Debunking 9/11 farce has been thoroughly debunked itself and shown to be nothing more than a strawman assault based around nepotism, shoddy research and agenda-driven politics.
Hardly a good starting point for any serious or balanced investigation into 9/11 questions.
Further investigation into the makers of the new documentary also throws up a whole host of conflicts of interest.
Loose Change's Jason Bermas an Korey Rowe during taping for the upcoming History Channel hit piece.
Firstly, The History Channel is part of the A&E Television Network which is jointly owned by The Walt Disney Company (37.5%), The Hearst Corporation (37.5%), and NBC Universal (25%).
Immediately then it becomes apparent that the owners of Popular Mechanics are also the joint owners of the History Channel. Once again it is not a good starting point for a neutral investigation when the people you choose to represent one side of a factual debate are actually on the payroll.
No doubt there will be a great deal of advertising of Popular Mechanics' 9/11 debunking book within the so-called documentary in order to fatten up Hearst's profits.
Furthermore, the other joint owner of The History Channel, NBC Universal, is run by General Electric, the world's second largest corporation and one of the major players within the military industrial complex.
GE is a major supplier of arms and the “war on terrorism” has seen GE’s government and military contracts rise substantially to over $2.2 billion.
In short GE really has very little to gain and a great deal to lose from probing into questions concerning the possibility of 9/11 being a military intelligence operation to seed the "war on terror" and to justify a huge increase in military activity around the globe.
We spoke to the producer Brad Davis about the upcoming show and he refused to comment on the conflicts of interest, but did tell us in a previous conversation that the show would not be a hit piece, so we will reserve full judgement until the documentary is aired and then it will become immediately apparant if Mr. David was telling the truth or not.
On average the History channel has up to 10 million viewers prime time in the US alone and their programs repeat ad infinitum for years. Infowars and Prisonplanet.com will be all over this program as soon as it airs exposing and countering each and every lie and piece of misinformation it contains, just as we have done with every other hit piece so far.
In the meantime, it would be fairer if the History Channel add a proviso, as do CNN when they carry a story about their parent company Time Warner, that their upcoming show is nothing more than an infomercial for the Popular Mechanics book Debunking 9/11 Myths and that any attempt to portray it as a neutral investigation would permanently taint the reputation of the channel as nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Bush administration in the same league as Fox News and Popular Mechanics.


Life Mask Of George Washington

A rare installment from the editor. I USUALLY like the evidence to stand for itself, but this time I am compelled to comment.
What Would George Washington do?
One of those persistent and manifold "inexplicables" I always had about history, was how we rebelled, stole the greatest Jewel the crown ever dreamed of, fought a second war, then suddenly, they are our benevolent English cousins from across the pond! In fifth GRADE, I remember interrogating Daryl Friegard, my brilliant history teacher, why, would England, and more specifically "The Throne" up and one day forgive us for rank rebellion, humiliating defeat, loss of the most and final untapped natural resource on the planet (the North Pole situation not withstanding), and become our dear beloved "cousin."
Non-Sequetor to the MAX! Especially if you know anything about the English. I mean on the face of it they remember every time someone took a shit in 849 AD, write books about it, and studiously track their peerage. Now, having personally known some English, the idea is...well as they would say...downright DAFT. Have you gone MAD?!

So, as an historian, you have one of two choices. The English, and by that I mean The Crown, suddenly, overnight, broke character after a thousand years, and two hundred years after THAT, and made a special place in their hearts for their "American Cousins,"...or...they are making no exception in their character and heart for anyone, as they have demonstrated their ability to do repeatedly, for milena, and are blowing enormous amounts of black Cavendish smoke up the arse holes of their "American Cousins" while the City of London, steals ALL the gold from Fort Knox (sorry kids, look it up...nothing there...but you saw James and Felix Leiter of the noble CIA PROTECT our gold...in a British produced film 40 years ago...Oh, grow the fuck up! Your protests are like "listening to the Beatles without ear muffs...Simply not DONE!" quoth Bond)
Why does the Queen own half of 42nd Street and vast tracts around Times Square? Why did Prince Charles visit "Hurricane Katrina Racked New Orleans" with his winsome bride? (I'll give you the answer to that one, because he BOUGHT half of New Orleans, still under water at rock bottom prices and was looking at his new acquisitions. Luxury hotels are slated for the former homes of "the golliwogs, nignogs, and blackamoors") Why does the Royal Family own nearly all the land around the Denver "New World Airport"?
And most importantly, since we are being dragged into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" ...code word for The North American Union, who, is going to pull the trump card once we are all one? The gangster President of Mexico? The Gangster President Of America (if it be a Bush, he would be a close cousin to both lines of Prince William)? Or... "The Devine and Sovereign Crown of Great Briton and Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, and Saint Kitts and Nevis, where she is represented by Governors-General. The 16 countries of which she is Queen are known as Commonwealth Realms, and their combined population is over 129 million. Elizabeth became Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon[3] upon the death of her father, George VI, on 6 February 1952. As other colonies of the British Empire (now the Commonwealth of Nations) attained independence from the UK during her reign, she acceded to the newly created thrones as Queen of each respective realm so that throughout her 55 years on the throne she has been Monarch of 32 nations, half of which either subsequently adopted other royal houses or became republics."

Henry Kissinger, Knight
Colin Powell, Knight Commander
Ronald Reagan, Knight, Order Of The Bath
The Bushes...well, they just genuflect and work as rank operatives of the crown.
Paul McCartney, Knight
John Lennon, Returned his Order of The British Empire, calling the Queen A Warmonger...shot dead by an MK Ultra, Yale based assassin, 5 months before another Yale based MK ultra assassin shot Ronald Reagan for the love of a pre-pube lesbian, also Yale based.

BTW...did I mention that the CIA recruits as many people from Yale as the FBI does Salt Lake City and Boise?
2+2=5 Winston! Are we going to have to go through this again?!
PS Click on the headline to this article and hear a couple words from Sir Kissinger.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
To Punish And Enslave By William Norman Grigg
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
The Cult of Nationalism Punishes a Patriot: Mark Kuhn, the fellow on the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back as his wife looks on in disbelief, offended the tender sensibilities of local jingoists by flying the American flag upside down. Note the arrogant, triumphalist posture of the enforcement officer – one of at least five dispatched to corral this non-violent thought criminal – who is straddling the helpless man.
Just as a person is defiled by what goes out of the mouth, rather than what goes into it (Matthew 15:11), the US flag is defiled by what is done in its name, rather than what is done to the physical symbol. This is splendidly illustrated in the photograph to the right, in which we see the arrest of a peaceful man who had committed no crime against persons or property, but whose patriotic display of the U.S. flag engendered a violent response from local adherents to the cult of nationalism.
Mark and Deborah Kuhn of Asheville, North Carolina are devoted activists who pursue political change using non-violent means. The message on their answering machine – which I've heard twice, in unsuccessful attempts to contact them directly – offers the greeting: "Peace and love."
Mortified over the violent, corrupt, and increasingly degenerate nature of the regime that rules us, the Kuhns displayed, on their own property, a U.S. flag – an item they had legally purchased – displayed upside-down. This is a universally recognized distress sign, and the Kuhns' intent was to underscore the plight of our country, which is being destroyed by the regime.
This was, in brief, a patriotic protest, which is why it attracted the malign attention of a servant of the regime.
On July 18, the Kuhns report, they received a visit from a police officer who asked them if everything was all right. He was reportedly polite and professional, and told them that there was no statute or ordinance forbidding them to display the flag upside-down. In the interests of clarifying their point, the Kuhns attached a small sign to the flag explaining the purpose of the display, and another handbill calling for the overdue removal of George W. Bush from the White House.
Shortly thereafter, an individual clad in fatigues and driving a car with US Government license plates – the latter being the unmistakable token of a parasite – paid a visit to harass the Kuhns about their display.
This vigilant fellow was Staff Sergeant Mark Radford of the 105th Military Police Battalion of the North Carolina National Guard. Acting as a dutiful spitzel, this self-appointed guardian of nationalist purity contacted a friend at the Buncombe County Sheriff's Department. Early on the morning of July 25, Deputy Brian Scarborough swaggered up to the door and demanded that the Kuhns take down the flag, which they did. Scarborough then demanded that the couple present ID and accept a citation for "flag desecration" – which is forbidden by a pointless and facially unconstitutional ordinance that had fallen into desuetude.
"We refused," recalled Deborah. "We said, `Why should we show you our ID – are you arresting us?' so we walked back into the house and closed the door."
Were Brian Scarborough a sentient being, rather than state enforcement agent, he would have let the matter drop. It's likely that even ten years ago, the typical Deputy Sheriff in this situation would have simply asked the couple to take down their flag, tipped his hat, and left it at that.
But this is the era of the "New Police Professionalism," and Scarborough is an agent of the Homeland Security State. He was clad in the majesty of the regime, and the Kuhns had refused to submit to his will. Accordingly, he kicked the door, punched out the glass (thereby cutting his hand, a consequence he was apparently too dim to foresee), and forced his way inside.
Scarborough would later insist that Kuhn inflicted that injury by slamming the door on his hand. He lied, of course: Several eyewitnesses confirm that the Deputy cut himself breaking in to the Kuhns' home.
Having committed an act of criminal trespass, Scarborough then compounded that crime with assault by making threats of violence against the Kuhns, as Deborah reported in a frantic phone call to 911. Her gesture evinced a touchingly misplaced faith in the possibility of casting out Beelzebub by the power of Beelzebub: Once the police learned that one of their own was in trouble, five additional squad cars converged on the scene.
This was done to deal with an unarmed, non-violent couple who had displayed their flag in a way incompatible with the tenets of aggrieved nationalism.
Scarborough seized Mark, thereby committing aggravated battery; Mark escaped and fled outside, where he was pursued by several police as astonished neighbors gathered.
One of the officers produced a taser and threatened to shoot Mark with it – an act that should be considered assault with a deadly weapon. The same hero made the same threat against Deborah.
Mark submitted and was handcuffed. As the arrest unfolded, Staff Sgt. Radford, a REMF with nothing better to do than harass local civilians, drove past the Kuhns' home and heckled them: "Go to jail, baby!"
Mark and Deborah were arrested on the flag "desecration" charge (which is not a crime against persons or property), two counts of "assaulting a government employee" (based on Scarborough's self-serving lies), and resisting arrest. They were bailed out of jail by their son, who posted $1,500 bond.
I cannot improve on Mark Kuhn's summary of his experience, which resonates with Alexander Solzhenitsyn's lament, as quoted above:
"If Americans don't wake up to the martial state we're in, the cops, the police, the sheriffs, the state police will all come to our door and take us away if we allow this to happen – it's time for America to wake up."
Kuhn is convinced his case is not an aberration. I wholeheartedly agree.
Witness the arrest of Alan McConnell of Silver Spring, Maryland, on ginned-up trespass charges after the 74-year-old activist continued to sell pro-impeachment buttons at a local farmer's market. Local town officials insisted that McConnell was "aggressive," that his buttons were divisive, and by selling them he was making people "uncomfortable." So they instructed the police to issue a no-trespass order which was in fact a bill of attainder intended to shut down McConnell's commerce.
How DARE he express his political opinions in public? Alan McConnell, a 74-year-old activist from Silver Spring, Maryland, is dragged off to jail by Jabba the Cop and two Stormtroopers for the supposed offense of selling political buttons at a farmer's market.
The results can be seen in the photo above, as well as the fact that this elderly patriot faces six months in jail and a $1,000 fine for refusing to permit the local Politburo to deny him his right to express his opinions in a free marketplace.
Colorado resident Steve Howards likewise learned that peacefully expressing his political views was a crime. His antagonist wasn't the local Politburo: It was the Chief Commissar himself, Dick Cheney and the U.S. Secret Service (or SS).
During a chance encounter with Comrade Cheney outside a mall in Beaver Creek, Colorado last June, Howards approached the Vice President and in a voice of polite disapproval said: “Your policies in Iraq are reprehensible.” He then walked away.
Now, you just know this wasn't going to go unpunished.
After all, an SS spokesdrone told the Vail Daily News after the incident, Howards had drawn attention to himself by his "odd actions near Cheney"; he "wasn't acting like other folks in the area."
Indeed: Where others were awed into paralyzed deference by Cheney's malignant majesty, Howards remembered that he is a citizen, and acted like one. Such things just aren't permissible, of course.
A few minutes after his encounter with Cheney (and doubtless following the mental and spiritual equivalent of a cleansing shower), Howards was tracked down by a Secret Service agent, handcuffed in front of his 8-year-old son, and accused of “assaulting the Vice President.” Jailed for three hours and released on a $500 bond, Howards was charged with the lesser offense of harassment, a charge that was eventually dropped. After all, the point was made: Criticizing our rulers to their faces will be treated as a criminal offense.
“I was incredulous this could be happening in the United States of America,” recalls Howard. “This is what I read about happening in Tiananmen Square.”
Howards, to his considerable credit, has not let the matter drop. He has filed a lawsuit (.pdf) against Virgil D. "Gus" Reichle, Jr. (that's how the name is spelled in the complaint), the SS agent who assaulted and arrested him – and who actually threatened to have his eight-year-old son turned over to the oh-so-nice people at Child Protective Services. (Howards' son, incidentally, escaped that fate by running away in terror and finding his mother; it's amazing he wasn't arrested for resisting arrest or some other spurious charge.)
Not a real police vehicle ... yet: An evil Decepticon disguises itself as a sleek Mustang bearingan eerily appropriate permutation of the familiar police slogan (below).
In all of the foregoing incidents we see the local police (and the SS, collaborating with the local police) acting as enforcers of political orthodoxy, rather than defenders of persons and property.
They were acting as the security "Organs" of the Regime, not as peace officers defending the rights of peaceful, law-abiding citizens.
It's not difficult to imagine how the incidents described above would be perceived had they occurred in Venezuela or Iran – and in those benighted countries, incidents of this sort (and others much worse than these) are common.
The point, of course, is that things of this sort are becoming common here, where they should never happen at all. We've not yet reached the dismal situation described by Solzhenitsyn, but if he were living here today he'd have little difficulty recognizing the familiar odor of incipient totalitarianism in our Homeland Security State.
A bonus illustration of the prevailing lunacy:
Monica Montoya, a 25-year-old mother from Roselle Park, New Jersey, cheerfully cooperated with the police when they asked her to interpret for an accident victim. For reasons nobody has explained, she ended up being handcuffed and dragged to a squad car, pleading with the officer to allow her to contact the babysitter tending her six-year-old daughter.
Montoya was charged with "obstructing justice" and "resisting arrest" – which makes no sense at all, given that – once again – she was assisting the police, which apparently is enough to get innocent people arrested in our embryonic Reich.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
CNNo Evil, Hear No Evil

By Sheila Samples
Online Journal Contributing WriterJul 30, 2007, 01:17
Strange how something happens and you're unaware that it "registers" with you. Later, perhaps, something will trigger that buried memory and things begin to fall into place.
Something happened on 9-11.
The day began with CNN's Wolf Blitzer frantically reporting that planes had smashed into Buildings 1 and 2 of the World Trade Center. They stood there, so tall that the smoke billowing from their upper floors could be seen for 20 miles. The scene was shocking, grisly, and the horror was broken only by the further news that a plane had rammed into the Pentagon. Death and destruction everywhere. Happening now -- right before our eyes.
In an amazing "Breaking News" alert, CNN Pentagon reporter Jamie McEntyre shot down Blitzer's "plane hit the Pentagon" report. McEntyre said flatly, "Although it may appear that way, from my close-up inspection, there is NO evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon. The only pieces left are small enough you can pick them up in your hand. There are no pieces lying around that would indicate a plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon."
Whoop! Happening now . . . Quick! Back to Ground Zero . . . Just in time to see WTC 2, then WTC 1, sink eerily into their own footprints -- tons and tons of cement blasting instantly into a fine powder, rolling majestically through the streets like an Iraqi sandstorm. Anyone who had ever seen one -- even one -- controlled demolition knew without a doubt what he had just witnessed.
But no time for that -- yet another plane had rammed into a Pennsylvania field with such force there was just a smoking pit at the site with the debris scattered over an eight-mile area . . .
But wait! Don't ask! Still happening now! We're treated to yet another controlled demolition display when WTC 7, struck by no plane, inexplicably collapsed in exactly the same fashion as the first two buildings.
Within hours, CNN had pinned this four-pronged attack on our "homeland" on Saudi billionaire and former CIA operative Osama Bin Laden, and was parading the photographs of 19 terrorists -- 15 from Saudi Arabia -- non-stop across our TV screens. Never mind that in the ensuing weeks, most of them were found alive and well and minding their own business in various parts of the world. For now, they are vicious killers, four of them wannabe pilots who flunked out of flight school, and conveniently left their flight manuals in their cars at the airport.
Then, according to Blitzer, these amazing Boeing stunt pilots, armed with deadly box cutters, evaded multiple layers of airport security, outsmarted the entire intercept and identification operations of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and destroyed 2,974 innocent human beings.
It wasn't long until McEntyre, his feet back on the ground and marching orders in hand, responded to Blitzer's question about his earlier comments -- "Web sites often take statements out of context, such as the exchange from CNN, in which I, myself appear to be questioning whether a plane really hit the building. In fact, Wolf," McEntyre continued, while rapidly pulling my trigger, "I was answering a question about an eyewitness account that a plane had crashed short of the Pentagon, and I was making the point that, no, not near the Pentagon. The only plane that crashed was at the Pentagon."
That's what happened on 9-11. Throughout the day, Blitzer narrated each step over and over again -- a grisly, staccato date-rape drug seared into our national consciousness . . . unimaginable heartbreak . . . horror like none we've ever seen before . . . devastating grief . . . incredible force of crashing airplanes . . . unbelievable horror . . . people running for their lives in desperation through massive debris . . . Stay tuned -- dramatic new pictures of people being swallowed by the smoke and flames . . . happening now . . .
By the time the sun set, our absentee president concluded his day-long zig-zag dash from one hidey-hole to another, and was back at the helm of this shaken nation whose citizens, thanks in large part to CNN, were in the throes of universal post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). That evening, in his address to a paralyzed world, Bush, leaving no doubt he was answering the call of the Almighty, declared war on the terrorists. That evening, Bush, and those like Dick Cheney who control him, began waging war on the terrified.
With the enthusiastic support of CNN, Bush has relentlessly used the singed flesh of the people slaughtered on 9-11 to justify the monstrous lies that took us into war, and the lies that keep us there. Since that day, he has ruled through signing statements and executive orders, setting himself above the US Constitution, the justice system, the entire government. He IS the law -- the Decider, the Privileged Executive, the Tyrant.
Some say one branch of our corporate mainstream media is neither better nor worse than the other branches. I disagree. Perhaps it's because CNN is the Ministry of Truth's chief operative, panting for war, death, and profit, lying -- "catapaulting Bush's propaganda" -- while portraying itself as "The Most Trusted Name in News." Or maybe it's just when the Mockingbirds come home to roost, they all seem to light on the CNN branch.
CNN is very adept at transmitting fear and lies, fraudulent polls, and false-flag alarms over and over and over again to cover up the crimes, treason and mass murder committed by the Bush administration. Blitzer rigidly controls what is aired -- spun -- on CNN as news in his "Situation Room" in the late afternoon and evening. The rest of the 24-hour cycle is spent in news-team giggling, vacuous coverage of Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and sex predators on the MySpace website. Did you know that last Wednesday there was an explosion in Dallas, a truck turned over in North Carolina, peanuts can kill you, obesity is contagious, and a cat roaming the halls of a nursing home points out who is next to die?
But this absurd little Machiavellian fool and the servile CNN courtiers who obediently spin his stupid slogans fail to realize that our freedom is not theirs to destroy. Our children are not Bush's, as political philosopher Etienne de la Boetie so eloquently wrote in either 1552 or 1553, "to be led into his battles, to be delivered to butchery, to be made the servants of his greed and the instruments of his vengeance."
Something happened on 9-11 -- something so horrible that the American people acquiesced for a time in their own subjection.
They will not succumb to their own destruction. Enough is enough.

Sheila Samples is an Oklahoma writer and a former civilian US Army Public Information Officer. She is a regular contributor to a variety of Internet sites. Contact her at rsamples@sirinet.net.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Chertoff Hired Head Of KGB Primakov and Stasi Wolff To Advise

Ex-KGB and STASI Chiefs To Work Under Chertoff KGB and STASI reinforce Homeland Security
Foreign Press Foundation December 16, 2004Why have Soviet secret service 'KGB', General Yevgeni Primakov, as well as Markus Wolfe, the ex-boss of the ''STASI'', the equally feared former East German 'State Security Police' been hired by - and for - the US Gov't.? PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTANDING NOR SEEING THIS ''MENE TEKEL'' ARE BRAINWASHED BLIND...
These appointments have already been made
If somebody would inform you, that the former Ex-head of the inhuman and des
picable Soviet secret service 'KGB', General Yevgeni Primakov, as well as Markus Wolfe, the ex-boss of the ''STASI'', the equally feared former East German ''State Security Police'' - (Staats Sicherheitsdienst) - have been hired by the United States Gov't for the lawless and already feared secret service "HOMELAND Security", as experts to reinforce the control in the US of all it's citizens: would that make you sleep badly ? Im sorry to wreck your night's rest, but it seems that it just happened to you, or, better said: to all of us globally.
Nobody - outside the US mainstream media's reach - would be surprised if the US neocons would appoint a revived Dr. Josef Mengele from Auschwitz as the new Head of Medicare.
Or do you still belong to this completely brainwashed group which - standing in the rain - assures everybody that it's dry and quite sunny still? Up to one's neck in the manure; saying it doesn't smell .... ?
Saying US concentration camps do not exist and are not prepared?
Bad luck: you even might end up there if you keep reading items like this. An American friend of mine, Jim Kirwan, today send me his views on this very underreported matter in an article called: "Tribute" a Submission:
"The White House today paid tribute to three individuals by awarding each of them, the 'American Medal of Freedom'. This is the nation's highest honor for civilians, who have contributed to the advancement of this country and the world.
The awards went to retired General Tommy Franks, for his role in fighting the Iraq War; to George Tenet, for his role as the head of CIA Intelligence in the same war; and to Paul Bremer, the civilian administrator of Iraq, for his administration of the aftermath of that invasion.
All three men failed miserably in their assigned duties, but each was nonetheless awarded a 'Medal of Freedom' for their respective efforts. For his part, Bush was ''re-elected'' to the office he has occupied since 2000.
Indeed a black day for ''Freedom'' in the United States (and all countries the US warmachine is trying to dominate, using genocidal 'Might' instead of 'Right'. -HR)
Which brings us to the next group of sterling individuals who will no-doubt be awarded their own Medals of Freedom, in the very near future.
The first will be the new Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, the man who has remained as close as a shadow to Bush since his governorship in Texas.
This is the genius who wrote all those legalistic overrides of the Geneva Conventions so that we might have unlimited charge of ''enemy combatants'' worldwide.
He's also the man who created the contents of that evil pair of Patriot Acts, that serve as bookends for the legalistic crushing of what's left of law and government responsibilities under the new ''Terror Laws''. This guy's a ''must have'' if we are to remain on track for Fascism in America, in 21st Century style.
The second recipient of the next round of ''Freedom Medals'' ought to be Ex-Admiral Poindexter, for setting up 'Total Information Awareness' (TIA) prior to 911, but he's been officially trashed, so that's impossible. Instead the award could probably go to one of his additions to the offices of HOMELAND Security: That would be the Ex-head of the Soviet KGB, General Yevgeni Primakov:
The third Medal ought to go to the latest addition to HOMELAND Security.
That would be the former East German STASI chief, Markus Wolfe*, a master of manipulation and intimidation - just what we now need to run our ''Secret National Spy Service'':
Sounds like business as usual, but wait: this is not what it might appear to be. When we took Nazi scientists after W.W.II, to work on weapons systems, they were severely limited to working on systems that other civilians had control over.
We knew who they were and what they were, and they were monitored. This time, these vicious and utterly barbaric individuals will be employed specifically for the very skills they brought to their communist states, only now they are being imported to decide who lives and who dies in America. [See below: US Concentration camps?*]
These men have not changed, they are who they are, and that is exactly why Bush & the Bandits want them to run those aspects of HOMELAND Security, that spy on and attempt to co-opt U.S. Citizens.
USA is paying ex-barbarians to harass and prosecute Americans.
If these men were to appear for work, in the uniforms of their former States, the public would be outraged, and rightfully so! But that's exactly what is happening here, only no one seems the least bit disturbed that the Government of the USA is paying ex-barbarians to harass and prosecute Americans under the guise of ''HOMELAND Security requirements.''
This is not a proposal ''these appointments have already been made'' maybe that's why the Bush government insists on doing everything in SECRET.
Do you like the idea that the former head of the KGB will be practicing his skills on Americans, and getting a handsome US paycheck for his efforts to control us?
Do you like the idea that the ex-General in charge of the world's most notorious secret service, in charge of spying on the citizens in Communist East Germany, will also be getting a handsome paycheck from US taxpayers, to practice his obscenities on us?
Potential disaster
Most who have heard about this addition to HOMELAND security, believe that 'it sucks!'' Maybe if enough of us actually question the wisdom of these appointments, on the record - then perhaps - something more creative could be done about this potential disaster.
People here work really hard for every penny today, thanks to Bush & his Bandits; so why should we have to pay the cushy salaries of these particular despicable thugs, who have made careers out of torture and lies, not to mention having held lifelong professional hatreds of our supposed way-of-life.*
United States ''Homeland Security'' ?
Bush created this 180,000 person agency out of 22 separate agencies, and to date, the public has seen nothing but bad jokes come from this huge and out-of-touch beast. But under the guidance of these former slave state torturers, maybe things will move along much more efficiently?
Maybe there are no longer any real differences between the belief systems at the top of the transnational corporate food chain. Maybe what is being used against the population here is only what so many corporate powers have been reluctant to do for far too long.
Apparently the real powers must now feel very comfortable, at this present moment, when all pretense can finally be dropped and the USA can finally take its place among the tyrannical empires that have preceded us on that one-way road to owning everything and everyone?
Think about that day, in the near future when the Bushwhacker will pin the American ''Medal of Freedom'' upon the shapeless chests of these three despicable throwbacks (in the grand tradition he just established today) - and don't forget how many more Americans they will each mutually be responsible for sending to prison, to torture, or to death.*
This is not just ''politics'' anymore; this is 'Tribute', being paid out in the actions that we take as a nation, against our own people.
Who profits from these appointments, and who pays?
* HR: And this is what I found the White House said earlier about Wolfe: ''he sponsored terrorist attacks against us, why would we give him a visa?"
Excerpt from the U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing #87, 97-06-09*
QUESTION: Do you have anything on the visa situation of Mr. Wolfe, of the former East Germany?
MR. BURNS: You know, I think I do have something on that, George, and I'm glad you raised that question. Yes. We're talking about Markus Wolfe, the former head of Stasi, right? The East German police.
Well, he was refused a visa, as my records show, in 1996. He was deemed to be ineligible for an American visa under Section 212(a)(3)(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
This section states that aliens who have engaged in terrorist activities are not eligible for visas to travel to the United States. It covers several types of terrorist activities, including preparing and planning terrorist activities, providing material support to those ho have committed or plan to commit terrorist acts.
He was the deputy minister of state security for East Germany. He was the head of the ministry's foreign espionage branch. He actively aided and abetted and fostered international and state-supported terrorism when he was an East German government official.
As the number 2 person in Stasi and the head of the espionage branch, he was absolutely in the decision-making channel. There's no question about that. By his own admission, he participated in determining the ministry's policy and goals and he's, therefore, ineligible.
We, in the State Department, do not believe it is appropriate to give him a waiver from Section 212(a)(3)(b) because we think it is inadvisable for someone who spent his entire career as an opponent of free German, West Germany, as an opponent of the German people, and someone who is anti-American and trying to bring down our government and sponsor terrorist attacks against us, why would we give him a visa?
So, he is not coming to the United States. He can write his best-selling books, but he won't be able to enjoy the United States throughout the rest of his life if we have anything to do with it."
[end quote-BURNS]
U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing #87, 97-06-09:
* Burns - Quote* Jim Kirwan* ''Global Terror by Secret US Death Squads''* Possible destiny: US Concentration camps/FEMA:
* Dr. Josef Mengele

Geronimo's Great Grandson Wants Grave Robbed Skull Returned From Yale Death Cult

SANTA FE, N.M. --Legend has it that Yale University's ultrasecret Skull and Bones society swiped the remains of American Indian leader Geronimo nearly a century ago from an Army outpost in Oklahoma.Now, Geronimo's great-grandson wants the remains returned.Harlyn Geronimo, 59, of Mescalero, N.M., wants to prove the skull and bones purportedly taken from a burial plot in Fort Sill, Okla., are indeed those of his great-grandfather. They're now said to be in a stone tomb that serves as the club's headquarters.If they are proven to be those of Geronimo, his great-grandson wants them buried near the Indian leader's birthplace in southern New Mexico's Gila Wilderness. "He died as a prisoner of war, and he is still a prisoner of war because his remains were not returned to his homeland," Harlyn Geronimo said. "Presently, we are looking for a proper consecrated burial."Harlyn Geronimo grew up hearing stories about his great-grandfather and other Apache warriors who fought the Mexican and U.S. armies.After their families were captured and sent to Florida, Geronimo and 35 warriors surrendered to Gen. Nelson A. Miles near the Arizona-New Mexico border in 1886. Geronimo was eventually sent to Fort Sill, where he died of pneumonia in 1909.If the bones at Yale aren't those of Geronimo, Harlyn Geronimo believes they belonged to one of the Apache prisoners who died at Fort Sill. He said they should still be returned.Harlyn Geronimo wrote last year to President Bush, seeking his help in recovering the bones. He thought that since the president's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was allegedly one of those who helped steal the bones in 1918, the president would want to help return them.But, Harlyn Geronimo said, "I haven't heard a word."The White House did not respond to messages seeking comment.President Bush and his father, former President George H.W. Bush, both attended Yale and joined the elite club. Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, is also a Bonesman, as are many other men in powerful government and industry positions.
Members are sworn to secrecy -- and that's one reason they won't say whether the club has Geronimo's bones."The reason there's all these conspiracy theories around Skull and Bones is because their loyalty to one another goes beyond their public differences," said historian and former Yale Alumni Magazine editor Marc Wortman.Skull and Bones is one of a dozen secret Yale societies, according to Yale spokeswoman Gila Reinstein."If it's true about the bones, that's disrespectful and disturbing," she said.John Fryar, a retired Bureau of Indian Affairs special agent in antiquities recovery and a member of Acoma Pueblo, said if the secret society does have remains, they should be returned to Fort Sill."To ignore a request like this for the return of human remains is totally uncalled for. Look at our guys going to Vietnam to recover remains. It's the same thing," he said.
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After Converting To Catholicism, Tony Blair Plans To Move Into Jerusalem Palace

London, July 23 (ANI): Having served as Britain's Prime Minister for a decade, Tony Blair appears reluctant to give up on his grandeur-like lifestyle.
According to The Daily Mail, Blair may base himself at a Jerusalem palace while enacting his role as the Quartet's Middle East envoy. He has been looking at an imposing, historic edifice with a ballroom, fragrant gardens and a wonderful view of the golden dome of the city's al-Aqsa mosque. The house - built in 1931 - was once home to Britain's High Commissioner to Palestine. Today it serves as the UN's Middle East headquarters. Critics, however, say that Blair's job as envoy of the so-called Quartet of Middle East mediators - the EU, UN, U.S. and Russia - does not merit such opulence. Critics warned that living in luxury while many Palestinians struggle in squalor would only inflame anger over Mr Blair's appointment. Abdelbari Atwan, editor of the London newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi, has questioned Blair's desire for a lavish residence, when he is neither a president, a prime minister, or a even a minister. Blair's aides confirmed he hoped to use offices in the building, but denied he planned to make it his residence. He is making his first trip to the region in his new role today and will spend at least a week a month in the Middle East from September. But he has not chosen where to live. Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice categorically stated that she was in charge of brokering peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, and not Blair. Rice told reporters on the sidelines of a Mid-East Quartet meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, that Blair should stick to his narrow remit of mending the Palestinian economy and political system, a role merely complementary to her job as the leading peacemaker to the region. The Daily Mail had then said that Blair was angling for a more prominent role from the Quartet. Blair told a press conference after the meeting that on the day he left the office as British Prime Minister on June 27, he had pledged to broker a Northern Ireland-style peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. This contrasted with his predecessor, former World Bank president James Wolfensohn, who dealt solely with Palestinian economic reform. (ANI)
Tony Blair Channels A Force Called "The Light" According To London Times

In light of the damaging revelations of Blair's former business partner, Peter Foster, the Times of London today reported on Foster's allegations of the nature of Blair's relationship with his former 'style guru,' Carole Caplin. The article stated, Foster also claims Blair phoned Caplin on returning from a visit to George W Bush in April 2002. "She told me Tony said that war against Iraq was inevitable." In the article in Vanity Fair, Foster claims that when Blair has had clashes with Gordon Brown he has sought advice from Caplin, who got her mother Sylvia to do a new age "reading" involving a hidden force called The Light. Foster said: "Tony would call and Carole would say, 'I'll ask mum to channel on this and ring you back.' Then she'd call back and say, 'You must not confront him on this. Now isn't the right time'.", The revelation that Blair channelled 'the light' (Lucifer?) and based political decisions on it is unsurprising in light of the past history of world leaders' fascination with the occult.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The BoHo Hillbillies: Bush and His CIA Recruit Clinton At The Grove

There's whispering in the redwoods at the Bohemian Grove that George Bush the Elder has invited Bill Clinton to be at the "Hillbillies' Camp" this weekend.
P.S.: And King Abdullah of Jordan, a motorcycling monarch who was in Canada last week, was at Napa Valley's Meadowood over the weekend, which was thickly surrounded by private security and police details. The resort doesn't confirm anything about its guests, but Squat & Gobble on Chestnut Street confirmed that the king and 15 or so companions did come to San Francisco to have a snack there on Sunday.
Abdullah is a friend of owner Issa Sweidan. Staff member Mohamed Almuhtadi, who served him, said His Majesty was pleasant and "down to earth" and had pancakes, apple chicken sausage and coffee. 

Thursday, July 26, 2007
21 Questions For Mr. Bush (from www.educate-yourself.org)

The GW Bush interview:The questions the Media omitted to ask
Mr President, it seems the standard of journalism in the USA has fallen hopelessly. As a result, during your campaign the Press failed to subject you to a serious investigation or a proper background check; you didn't even get an in depth interview. May we make up for that failure now? Thank you.
1). While you were Governor of Texas 130 people were executed. You spared no one (except the Satanist and child molester Henry Lee Lukas who had murdered around 200 people). Some of those executed were mentally retarded, some had incompetent or corrupt state defense lawyers. Several had evidence to prove their innocence, DNA in one case; some were foreigners and had their right of consular access denied, appeals from the governments of Europe, Canada and Mexico went unheard. You even ignored appeals from His Holiness the Pope in the Vatican.
No more striking evidence of your lack of compassion can be illustrated than in matters of life and death. In the light of this, isn't your platform of "Compassionate" Conservatism just hypocrisy?
You have made it clear in a number of television interviews that you regard executions as somewhere between funny and enjoyable. On Talk Magazine you mocked Karla Faye Tucker, with the sarcastic words "Please don't kill me". You also laughed as you gloated over your executions on your first TV debate; your own Republican election staff quickly stopped you after that one.
Isn't the right to life the most fundamental American freedom? Is a man who regards execution so cynically fit to be entrusted with the Presidency and the defense of individual freedom? Isn't a State that executes people when there is proof of their innocence close to committing murder? Isn't the truth that you just don't care one way or another?
You are recorded in 1968 as joining the Chapter 332 Order, a satanic society known as "The Skulls". Is this why you released Lukas?

2. Bush the anti abortion campaigner, and your illegal abortion. Early 1970. President Bush, are you opposed to abortion? Yes?
On October 20th 2000 CNN interviewed Larry Flynt who said he had affidavits from five women who were connected with your early 1970 illegal abortion in Houston (While you were working on your Dad's campaign, before Roe v Wade). Isn't it an abhorrent hypocrisy for you to be so anti abortion when you have arranged at least one yourself?
3. Drug use, drug dealing, cheating your 15 and 30 year prison sentences, 1972President Bush, weren't you arrested in 1972 for possessing a large quantity of Cocaine and its use, and didn't you then spend some time in Harris County Jail? Don't many people get 15 years in prison for this? Who secretly commuted your sentence to a year's PULL community service in Houston and covered it up as "work for the disadvantaged"? Was it your Dad's or your Skull and Bones contacts? Who? Why didn't the Press sing it from the rooftops?
Until you were 40 years old weren't you a selfish playboy who didn't care for the disadvantaged?
According to Reed's book, "Compromised" published by Penmarin Books, the DEA set up a drugs sting in 1985 with FBI information and the help of Barry Seal (a CIA agent who smuggled drugs for the CIA). At Tamiami airport in Florida they filmed the transfer of several kilos of cocaine from Beech N6308F into a Beech King Air, whose co- pilot was Terry Reed. Didn't they cancel the arrest when they realized the drug buyers they were filming were you and your brother, i.e. Jeb and George W Bush? Is it appropriate for a President to have been dealing in Cocaine by the kilo? Barry Seal was murdered soon after, the investigation into his death quashed. Did you or one of the government departments over which your family has private influence or control order his murder to cover up your actions?
Isn't it cynical hypocrisy for you to press for the hardest possible sentence on first time drug offenders when you dealt in kilos yourself? Others who dealt in kilos got 30 years in prison. Isn't it unfair you get off scott free?

4. Dodging Vietnam, one year AWOL from the Texas National Guard 1972-3You were due to be drafted to Vietnam in 1969, when some of the heaviest fighting was taking place. But according to the Dallas Morning News, September 28 & October 30, 1999, didn't your business associate Sid Adger get the Speaker of the Texas House of Representative to contact General James Rose, and get you into the Texas National Guard? Didn't you dodge Vietnam completely?
General William Turnipseed and his aide Kenneth Lott both flatly deny that you ever appeared for duty for your service in Alabama. (The Boston Globe, May 23, 1999.) Didn't your two superior officers at Ellington Air Force Base, Lieutenant Colonel William D. Harris Jr. and Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian, effectively declare you missing from duty?
Weren't you AWOL from the Texas National Guard from May 1972 to April 73? Why is all this reported in detail in the local newspapers but not in the National media? What power does the Republican party possess to keep it hidden?
5. Foul language. Who's worse, you or President Nixon?Do you think President Nixon's "expletive deleted" language on the famous Watergate tapes a disgrace to America?
You do? Then why do you use the same language in private? Just to quote three examples among the many: "Ass hole" about a reporter to Dick Cheney when you thought the microphones were off; the F-word to your mother while arguing, "You F- son of a bitch" to Al Hunt, a Wall St Journal reporter, in front of Hunt's wife and 4 year old son in a Dallas restaurant. If we were to listen to tapes of you talking in private, who would sound the worst, you or President Nixon?
6. Lying under oath, lying to cover your DWI. 1976, 1978 An alcoholic for 20 years.Mr President Bush, it appears President Clinton lied under oath. Do you condone his actions? No?
Then why did you lie under oath to avoid testifying in a July 20th 1999 affidavit: that as Governor you had not spoken to SCI Funeral Homes representatives? They were a big Bush contributor who were under investigation and there are records of you speaking to them on six occasions. Soon, you got the investigator, Eliza May and her 6 staff, fired. Why didn't the Press hound you to death over this matter as they did President Clinton? What power do you, your family, the Republican Party or your organizations have over the Press?
Did you lie about your DWI to cover it up? No?
In court in 1978, to get your license back, you said you rarely drank, but later you admitted you had a drink problem at that time. You lied to the Dallas Morning news saying you hadn't been arrested (your DWI arrest was in 1976). How many other times did you lie about just that issue alone? Do you think a US President should be a liar on the public record?
After you became Governor of Texas, your Texas driving record was mysteriously erased "for security reasons". Was there more we don't know about? Or was this just a cynical abuse of power?
Isn't it true that for 20 years you were a rich, hard drinking playboy with a control problem; indulging in sex orgies, frequent drug usage; to overcome your drink problem you admit you were forced to become teetotal at age 40. By every definition of the term, you were an alcoholic. Is this appropriate for a President? If things get tough in the White House and you have a drink to cope with the stress, will you, like many alcoholics, revert uncontrollably to being an alcoholic again? But this time, you'd be an alcoholic in The White House. Didn't you consider, before you ran, of the damage your background could do to America? Or do you just want the power, and don't care about America or Americans?
On 14th January 2002 we saw your bruised, and apparently hung-over face on the cover of the world's newspapers. The spin was you had choked on a pretzel, fallen down and smashed your face. Isn't the truth that your were drunk again?
7. Lying about adultery. The Texas stripper, 1999.In your campaign you claimed you have been faithful to your wife, yet Tammy Phillips of Carrolton, Texas, states you had an 18 month sexual affair with her which the Republican party forced you to finish in June 1999. It was published in The National Enquirer, the New York Post, Fox News, and Slate magazine. If this had been Clinton, proven or not, the coverage would have been nauseating and unending. President Bush, what power did you have over the Press that you could have the whole story instantly squashed?
In your election campaign you said "I trust the people" then got your lawyers to stop the people's votes being counted in Florida. Was this another lie?
Is it fair to say you do not see yourself so much as a liar as unable to see any point in telling the truth? Do you understand or care which is which?
You piously say you are a Christian, isn't this a revolting hypocrisy on the basis of your actions?
8. Business failure and Corporate fraud. 1978 - 91Like your father, you were a Director of three front "Oil" companies that failed miserably but provided cover for your other activities. At Arbusto Energy your investors lost $4.7 million, then when the next company, Spectrum 7, bought the remains of Arbusto, you arranged to pay yourself in full for your share but not the other shareholders. Isn't that illegal?
The failed remains of Spectrum were bought by Harken Energy. Again you got on the board of directors. Didn't you introduce the corrupt BCCI bank, soon liquidated for its frauds, and put one of their directors on Harken's board? Didn't you then sell 60% of your Harken shares one week before the company revealed disastrous earnings? The company's stock then plunged 25%, soon 75%. Again, didn't you lose investors' money?
You violated another SEC rule. You had to register the stock sale as an insider trade by July 10, 1990, but didn't until March 1991, after the Gulf War was over. Why weren't you prosecuted?
Weren't your dealings with the Texas Rangers another fraud? Didn't you make $15 million, by getting your political friends to write down Arlington Texas City land so your company could buy it cheap, then getting a $135 million subsidy from the city on top? Again you had directors from the fraudulent BCCI on the board. Didn't the taxpayers of Arlington have to suffer a higher tax rate, just to pay for the frauds you had perpetrated on them?What other drug related dealing did you do with BCCI, who dealt in drugs on a massive scale?
When you became Governor of Texas didn't you use state funds from UTIMCO – the Texas State Investment Company – to pay back those investors in your failed companies who were your cronies? Haven't you made a practice of using Government funds to pay back those who supported your private life? Didn't UTIMCO "invest" $1.7 billion, mainly in Bush crony companies? Have you no concern that is fraud on taxpayers? Are you really wholly uninterested in taxpayers unless they are forced to finance your own illegal dealings?
Is it fair to sum up your business career as failure, insider trading and fraud? Why did the Republican Party fail to act on this after a background check before you ran? Why didn't the Press pick this up and stop your Presidential candidacy as they should have done with this information, which was and still is in the record for all to see?
9. Billionaires' bribes and their enormous paybacks at taxpayer expenseIsn't the $1.6 trillion tax cut for the rich another payback for the wealthy backers of your private life, aren't some of them going to get over $1 million in rebates each, again at the public expense? Aren't we paying high gas prices so you can pay back your commitments to Big Oil, who are now making record profits in return for their support of your private life? Don't you dislike individual business people, non-employees, or personal independence – isn't this crony capitalism again?
Aren't you bought and paid for by big oil and big corporations like Enron? How much of Enron's policy did your administration implement? Didn't your friend "Kenny Boy" – Mr Lay the CEO, put half a million into you? Why did you lie you had only met Mr Lay recently, when you have known him for 20 years? Aren't you pro big corporations, particularly the corrupt ones? Weren't Ashcroft and Dick Cheney deep into Enron? Didn't you hold Enron up for three months while 35 White House Republicans milked it of $1.38 billion and left ordinary Americans to lose their shirts? Clifford Baxter was one of the few honest Enron board members. Clifford said he needed a bodyguard as he would be testifying. How deeply would he have incriminated you? Did Kenny Boy ask your government to fix his murder or did you make that decision all on your own? Will honest witnesses keep being killed until Enron dies down?
10). The 26 year Bush - bin Laden partnershipWasn't James Bath, the Bin Laden family's US representative, on your Governor's campaign in 1978 and didn't he front Salem Bin Laden's investment of $50,000 for 5% of your Arbusto 1978 company?
In 1979 didn't your father begin funneling money to Osama bin Laden, under the guise of fighting the Russians?
Between 1978 and 1992 when your Dad left office, didn't he put at least $6 billion into Afghanistan for weapons, and didn't Osama bin Laden get hundreds of millions of that US taxpayers cash?
Your father is both a shareholder and the senior consultant in the Carlyle group; the bin Ladens are the biggest shareholders. Is it just coincidence that your Dad is working for the bin Ladens? Haven't you and your Dad, by awarding it huge US contracts at the expense of the American taxpayer, taken it from nowhere to the world's 11th largest defense contractor? Didn't Carlyle back you heavily in your election campaigns and weren't you paid to sit on one of their boards (Caterair 1990).
Your Dad met bin Laden's family as recently as 1998 and 2000 (Wall St Journal Sept 27 2001).
11. Your scorn for human beings and human rights.You cancelled the Bill of Rights which has been in the Constitution since 1791 on 26th October 2001 with your cynically named "USA Patriot Act." Don't you get a smirk out of that one? Now at your personal edict any government department can seize and imprison Americans, who then have no rights. No right to trial or even a phone call, no right to ever be released. Foreigners don't even require an edict. You have already seized and are holding over 1,000 people under this act, some US citizens. We don't have the right to know how many. How do you prevent the press from blasting your abuse of the Constitution from the rooftops?
Although we lost less people in the World Trade (2,990) than Ireland lost to the American financed IRA terrorists (3,700), you used the WTC as the excuse for this cynical Act, which abolished habeas corpus, the right to trial, and a string of other freedoms. Britain lost 200,000 Londoners to the blitz and 15% of its buildings but reacted less cruelly to its own citizens. Isn't your attitude to ordinary people's lives and freedom as cynical as Andropov or Chenyenko's?
"People shouldn't have that much freedom" That was your comment about an anti-Bush web site, www.gwbush.com Isn't that a dangerous view for freedom of speech, particularly when so many Bush private enemies have "disappeared" – I have a list of 30 here. Will you restrict web freedoms to stop continuing exposure of your dishonesty, under the pretence of something else? Wasn't Steve Kangas murdered because his "Liberalism Resurgent" web site knew too much about you and your cronies?
Don't your election-count court cases in Florida tell us again and again it is the System and the State that count, not the individual or their vote? Together with many other rich and powerful Republicans, isn't your attitude to the private individual in tune with that of Soviet Communists?
You classed Afghan prisoners of war who defended their government against the USA, a foreign aggressor, as "unlawful combatants" instead of prisoners of war, denying them POW rights, and kept them off US soil in Cuba so they have no US rights. You snatched them out of their own country, where you had no right to be. You kept them in open cages wrapped in thick hot red suits with blacked out goggles, earmuffs and surgical masks, with their arms tied straightjacket style, legs manacled together, forced to kneel for 12 hours a day. The 100 degree heat must have been unbearably higher in the suits.The sweat must have run down inside their goggles, possibly filling them up, the damp in the masks make every breath feel like suffocation. Isn't that a cruel torture? Sensory deprivation is torture, and they had that on top. Isn't this just wholly unnecessary pure unfettered evil on your part?
Don't you give a damn about "innocent until proved guilty"? We haven't seen treatment like this in the Western world since the Gestapo. Is there no end to your disdain for human rights?
Wasn't America an Unlawful Combatant in its illegal bombing of Afghanistan? Your only right was that the WTC attacks may have been financed from there. Under your rules, doesn't Britain have the right to carpet bomb the US because the IRA was definitely financed from there? And wouldn't you, Mr Bush, under your own rules, be an unlawful combatant if you tried to defend your government, as the Afghanis did? And isn't your government as illegitimate as the Taliban's?
Your family was devastated when your Dad didn't serve a second term and is determined you will. You will lose the election next time with far larger numbers than can be fiddled in Florida. When your re-election comes up in 2 years, will you conveniently cause another war so you can cancel the elections?
You have carpet bombed Afghanistan, murdering perhaps 10,000 people, not one of whom could possibly have any connection to the Twin Towers terrorism -they are innocent. All with the excuse of searching for a man we now know is your associate and is almost certainly not in that country. Do you have no genuine regret for your part in this, or is it just too minor a genocide by comparison with your Dad's efforts?
President Clinton was a strong supporter of the International Criminal court in the Hague where Mr Milosevic is being tried. You have reversed US policy and are strongly against this court and have tried to frustrate its progress. Are you concerned you and your Dad, who is responsible for 4.73 million middle east deaths against Milosevic's 500,000, might be prosecuted there, or do you associate the methods of the accused closely with your own?
12). You confirmed on 7th August 2000 your satanic society membership since 1968.Like your father, while at Yale you became a lifetime member of the satanic and secretive " Chapter 322 Order" (known as the Skulls) in 1968 and admit it (e.g. your interview Time Magazine August 7th 2000). You are listed in "The Russell Trust Association" - the Skull's business corporation, as a member. Isn't it true that graduates of this club are in positions of power throughout the US government, and use this power to corruptly aid other members at the expense of the people they purport to represent? How many times have you used Skull and Bones members to pervert the actions of government departments for your private use? Weren't you inducted at the Skull's "temple" at 59 High St New Haven Connecticut? (100 yards North, left hand side, from the junction with Chapel Street)
In 1968 didn't your initiation ritual into the occult Skull and Bones involve you climbing into a coffin and taking the oath that you were dead to yourself, dead to the world, and born again in Lucifer? Wasn't your second oath that you would not abide by any other oath you took in the future (i.e. including the oath of Presidential office)? Didn't Hitler go through the same ritual in the Thule society, parent society to the Skull and Bones?
When you say you are born again, isn't this what you're referring to? Isn't your deepest cynicism really reserved for the Christian religion? Is that why you spared only the Satanist Henry Lee Lucas, because he was one of you? Is that why you, a dimwit, have been able to become President, because you sold yourself to the devil?
Wasn't your smirking, gloating mocking of your Texan executed victims on television typical behavior for a satanist?
Aren't you much more powerful in the Satanic world than your Dad, because your election was illegitimate? Should we fear more destruction from you than him?
More Yale Skull and bones graduates join the CIA than any other branch of government. Isn't the CIA controlled by the Skull and Bones? Isn't the Skull's aim confusion, war and death? Aren't the Bushes the most powerful family in the Skulls, and haven't you controlled the CIA since 1976, whether in power or not?
Isn't the Skull's main aim the same as the Thule Society's - the reduction of the world's population to 2 billion, which now entails the murder of 4.5 billion people with atomic weapons? And aren't you the only guy in the world with sufficient nuclear weapons to achieve it? Isn't that why your Dad said, in 1976 "Nuclear War is winnable"? Isn't this why you're trying to start a war in Iraq, which will appear to go wrong, so you have an excuse to fire these weapons and achieve the Skull's goal?
Or is this, best case, all a childish prank? In which case is it proper for a President to have been dabbling in the occult? Why, when asked, have you never denounced this ritual or the Skull and Bones? Why have you never renounced your membership of an occult society?

13. Neil Bush's $1 billion Silverado S&L Fraud, Jeb Bush only $8m fraud.Do you remember Broward Federal Savings and Loan? It went belly-up in 1988, thanks in great part to the $4.6 million default by your brother Jeb Bush and his business partner Armando Codina on a loan they had taken out to buy a Miami office tower. The taxpayers absorbed over $4 million of that debt, while Jeb and his partner ended up paying only half a million. Amazingly, they had sufficient influence to keep the building, which they later sold for $8.7 million, (although Jeb denies making any money on this deal!!) Jeb Bush dishonestly described himself as a "Realtor licensed by the state of Florida". He didn't have a license at the time as the State was investigating him for fraud.
And your brother Neil Bush was on the Board of Silverado Savings and Loan. The Houston Post says "Silverado was part of an intricate web of federally insured financial institutions that had business links to organized crime". Two of Neil's associates (directors of his own company, JNB) alone received $130 million from that S&L which they never returned. It finally went bust for a billion dollars, and the taxpayers footed the bill. Wasn't that massive fraud again?
Are these the family ethics that your brother Jeb used to get you the Presidency in Florida?
14. Illegitimate President: Florida: 250,000 votes stolen in your 4 electoral frauds.Mr President, Al Gore had a 600,000 vote lead over you across the nation. Mr Gore was also well ahead (22 electoral college votes) before Florida was counted. You were well behind and you had to have Florida to overtake Gore. The voting in Florida under Jeb Bush seemed to be about even and one hell of a mess. The State rejected a total of 180,000 ballots in the 67 counties. The manufacturers of the voting machines themselves confirm they have a two to five percent error rate. Taking the middle figure of 3 1/2 % errors and 6 million Florida voters, we know who won Florida to the nearest 210,000 votes. And yet your brother's organization managed to declare you the winner by a figure of 537 votes.
Doesn't the fact that your brother is Governor of the state with the corrupted election system compromise both him and you, and make America look like a Third World Country?
Do you know how that looks to the outside world?
Does it bother you that your 537 vote lead was officially certified on behalf of the State of Florida by none other than the co-chairman of your own "Bush for President Campaign", Kathleen Harris? Wouldn't that abject lack of electoral independence be banned in most Third World countries?
What should an honorable presidential candidate have done, if he had America's best interests at heart? Wouldn't an honorable man have conceded, to protect his brother's reputation, the voting system's integrity, his own reputation and his country's reputation?
On the announcement of the closeness of the voting your Brother Job Bush honorably"Rescued" himself from the election count process, properly promising to have nothing to do with it, because of the conflict of interest, i.e., brotherhood versus the fairness of the election.
The New York Times detailed how Jeb then worked furiously behind the scenes and successfully ensured the count went in your favor. Does it bother you that your brother firstly lied, and then interfered with the counting process, to get you elected President?
Now Florida has been recounted by hand it is confirmed Al Gore won by all of the six counting methods employed, and by thousands of votes. But the Florida Ballots Project run by the National Opinion Research Council were frightened to publish the results; which we only know because staff leaked the results. How have you managed to keep the fact that your Presidency is entirely fraudulent out of the US press?
The American press has totally failed as the watch dog of our freedom and it was the BBC who reported that Jeb Bush, 18 months before the election, instructed Kathleen Harris, to remove 173,000 black Americans from the Florida electoral role. 90% of blacks vote democrat. Weren't you involved too? And didn't she declare you the winner by just 537 votes?
Weren't you guilty of destroying 250,000 Democratic votes in 4 different frauds?
Isn't your presidency entirely illegitimate?
15. Your devastation of the US economy.Under your governorship, Texas sank to the bottom of more achievement tables than any other state. Does this bother you, or not? How did you prevent the Press reporting these failures in your election campaign? If you were an economic disaster in Texas, weren't you bound to be a bigger disaster as President?
On the 29th December the New York Times reported 43 occasions when you had talked down the economy so you could push through your 1.6 trillion tax cut for your billionaire bakers. You hadn't even taken the oath of office. As President if you talk recession you will get a recession – and you got one.
Your own campaign said you "don't understand the details" - you will rely on the advocacy of one man for an idea, rather than understand the idea. What do you do when you get bad ideas presented well? The nation gets stuck with bad policy because you can't analyze it?
You talked war from the moment you took office, and the firings were numbering tens of thousands a month every time you spoke as companies closed projects purely because of the uncertainty and the threat of war that you alone created.
The day of the WTC attack you allowed the Government to close. What message does that send to a potential enemy? "Attack here, we just go home?" You forced the airlines and Wall St to shut down for 4 days, doing 5 World Trade Center's-worth of economic damage each day. You allowed Congress to close for a week. Didn't you make a minor economic impact become a large impact because of your bad leadership? Why didn't you take examples from other countries of fortitude under attack and a "carry on regardless" attitude?
Or was your talk of war, the closing of the government on 11th September, the closing of the airlines, Stock Exchanges and half of Manhattan for six days, and your massive exaggeration of this issue self aggrandizement of your role as Commander in Chief? Yes, it did wonders in the polls, but half the nation is sitting on its hands: you have made Americans scared to fly, scared to go to work, scared to go out to dinner. Have you deliberately turned "The land of the free and the home of the brave" into a nation of cowards? Haven't you most definitely done 100 times more economic damage to the USA than the terrorists?
Haven't you now created a massive recession? Don't you understand the damage you have already done, or don't you care as long as you look good? Or was it deliberate?
16. Didn't you have the strongest motive to bring down the World Trade?By July 2001 were you running scared? Your popularity had fallen to an all time low due to your attacks on the economy, which was sinking fast, and your Florida election frauds were becoming more and more difficult to conceal. Weren't you in danger of being impeached for election fraud and losing your Presidency?
Bringing down the World Trade on 9/11 solved all your problems beautifully - your approval rating went up to 90%, you became unassailably established as President and the legal cases that were being prepared against you for election fraud were dropped.
Weren't you the only beneficiary of the destruction of the World Trade?
Isn't it a fact that if your family hadn't perverted the election result, and Al Gore was President, the World Trade towers would still be standing today?
17. Indicators of your involvement with the destruction of the World Trade.Two combat ready squadrons are kept at Andrews Air Force Base 10 miles away to protect Washington from rogue civil aircraft; they can be airborne in less than 5 minutes; it was automatic, and they didn't need government authorization to take off. Didn't you stand them down for that one day, 9/11?. US forces around the world were put on Defcon3 alert immediately - but not Andrews.
For 75 minutes after it is known that 4 airlines have been hijacked simultaneously, your government didn't scramble one fighter aircraft - therefore allowing the attack on the Pentagon to succeed.
UA Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. Why are you concealing the contents of the Cockpit Voice Recorder and the Black box, and the flight path of the plane for the 9 minutes after the passengers stormed the cockpit? Is it because they found out your government was controlling the plane and not terrorists? Did you order the F16 that was shadowing it to shoot it down at 10.03am for that reason? Is that why one engine was found a mile away, proving it blew up in the air?
You were safely in Florida as the planes struck, 1,000 miles away, on a long scheduled school visit. When told about the WTC instead of looking shocked, you looked guilty. You were an obvious target at a well publicized venue but you stayed at the school and didn't go into hiding - didn't you know perfectly well you were completely safe?
Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and CIA Director George Tenet visited General Pervez Musharraf and General Mahmud Ahmad, head of the Pakistani ISI. [Source The Indian SAPRA news agency, May 22, 2001.] Then Mahamud Ahmad transferred $100,000 to Mohammad Atta, leader of the Twin Towers terrorists. (The Times of India, October 11, 2001). The FBI forced Mahamud to resign because of the transfer. Was that just to make you look better? Then:
June 2001 – German intelligence, the BND, warns the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists are "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons." [Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 14, 2001.] You weren't interested. Was that because you already knew?
Summer 2001 – An Iranian man phones U.S. law enforcement to warn of an imminent attack on the World Trade Center in the week of September 9th. German police confirm the calls but state that the U.S. Secret Service would not reveal any further information. [Source: German news agency "online.ie", September 14, 2001.] You did nothing.
August 2001 – The FBI arrests an Islamic militant linked to bin Laden in Boston. French intelligence sources confirm that the man is a key member of bin Laden's network and the FBI learns that he has been taking flying lessons. At the time of his arrest the man is in possession of technical information on Boeing aircraft and flight manuals. [Source: Reuters, September 13.] You weren't interested.
Summer 2001 – Russian intelligence notifies the CIA that 25 terrorist pilots have been specifically training for suicide missions. This is reported in the Russian press and news stories are translated for FTW by a retired CIA officer. You did nothing.
July 4-14, 2001 – Osama bin Laden receives treatments for kidney disease at the American hospital in Dubai, is seen by his family often and has several meetings with a CIA official who returns to CIA headquarters on July 15th. [ Le Figaro, October 31st, 2001.]
August 2001 – Russian President Vladimir Putin orders Russian intelligence to warn the U.S. government "in the strongest possible terms" of imminent attacks on airports and government buildings. [Source: MS-NBC interview with Putin, September 15.] You did nothing.
September 6-10, 2001 Over 9,000 put options are purchased on United Air Lines and American Airlines stock as opposed to only 1,100 call options This is a dramatic and abnormal increase in sales of put options, many of them through Deutschebank/AB Brown, a firm managed until 1998 by the current Executive Director of the CIA, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. [Source: The Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism, September 21; The New York Times; The Wall Street Journal.] More abnormal puts are bought on companies with offices in the twin Towers. $2.5 million of the 15 million profits are still unclaimed because the identity of the owners of the options would now be traced. Obviously CIA staff knew about the World Trade attacks in advance and made millions out of it.
At best Mr Bush, didn't you know about the Twin Towers attacks months in advance? Russia, France and Germany warned you and you did nothing. At worst, did you have a hand in their organization? Didn't the attack suit you, because it allows you to wage war without end?
18. Would bin Laden dare to act on 9/11 without his senior partner's consent?The bin Laden family made millions out of their corrupt partnership with the Bush family; Osama bin Laden seems to have made the most, almost certainly over a hundred million dollars. As the junior partner in this Bush relationship, isn't it inconceivable Osama would have attack the World Trade without your consent?
If Osama is guilty as you say shouldn't you resign anyway for your close ties with America's enemy? Just like your grandfather Prescott?
You seized upon Osama Bin Laden as the culprit without proof. Why? Could it be because of the Bush family's 24 year business relationship with Osama and the bin Laden family (documented in Newsweek and the New York Times in February 2002)? While your Dad was in charge of the CIA, didn't he train, finance and arm bin Laden to fight a proxy war on the CIA's behalf against the Russians in Afghanistan? Didn't GHW Bush help create and finance Al Qaeda? Wasn't Bin Laden almost the only CIA success story, i.e. he drove the Russians out with Taliban and other help? Didn't your Dad and the CIA continue to have meetings with Bin Laden right through 2001?
Salem bin Laden, your business partner from 1978, died in an inexplicable and uninvestigated micro light aircraft crash in San Antonio, Texas, in 1988. Did you fall out with him? Thirty people who knew too much about the Bushes have been murdered. Was he one of them?
Did you seize on Osama bin Laden as the culprit because you alone know he is dead? Doesn't this allow your "war on terror" to continue for as long as you want, because America will never find Osama? And the next obvious question is: did the Bush family order Osama's death and the hiding of his body?
Your abysmal handling of 9/11. Was it deliberate?The first plane hit the WTC at 8:45am. People were trapped on the upper floors, yet no one in your government scrambled military helicopters to get them off. They all died after an hour and a half. Why no attempt at helicopters?
Have you thought of the futility and stupidity of starting a war against the perpetrators? They are all dead, all 19 of them You can't have a war against dead people. A war against their financiers? You can't have a war against individuals. You can only declare war against a country.
19. Wars and killings organized by the Bush family - the cause of most terrorism?Your Grandfather, Prescott Bush, had his assets confiscated by the US Government on 20th October 1942 for trading with the enemy (Vesting Orders 248, 259,261,370). Hitler was a member of the Satanic Thule Society, Prescott Bush was a member of the Thule's first daughter society, the Skull and Bones.
As fellow satanists with the same objectives - death, confusion and war, wasn't it natural for Prescott Bush to help Hitler? The Union Banking Corporation of which Prescott Bush was both CEO and a shareholder with the Harrimans, George Herbert Walker and the Thyssens was set up to finance Hitler from 1922.
Bush was also a Director of Brown Brothers Harriman. Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation of Oswiecim, Poland was one of 15 subsidiaries. Prescott Bush was the CEO, and he employed slave labor from Auschwitz. In a subsidiary, the German Steel Trust, they also manufacture red 35% of Germany's explosives.
Prescott received $1.5 million (worth $100 million today) for his share in UBC in 1951, with which he financed his son, GHW Bush. And aren't you very well aware that you are financed by profits from Hitler?
Are you proud that your Grandfather helped make Hitler the most successful Satanist of all time with 54 million deaths to his name?
In the 1980's didn't GHW Bush put $3 billion in finance for weapons into Afghanistan? Didn't the largest shares go to the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden? Didn't the Taliban take control of Afghanistan as a result of your Dad, isn't most of the $200 million thought be in Al qaeda's bank accounts American taxpayer's money he put there? Didn't Osama Bin laden get at least $100 million from your Dad?
Two million Afhghanis died at the wrong end of these US financed weapons and 6 million were made homeless by your father's intervention,.
The awful American press doesn't report this, but John Simpson of the BBC has.
Wasn't it GHW Bush that coerced Saddam Hussein into war against Iran to try to regain control after the Shah was deposed? (See John Pilger's article on "Black propaganda"). One million Arabs died.
Prior to the invasion of Kuwait, President Bush sent Ambassador April Glaspie to Saddam with a letter and a "wink and a nod" telling the Iraqi leader that it was OK to invade Kuwait.
GHW Bush, as President, in a typical Skull and Bones double cross, then carpet bombed 200,000 Iraqi soldiers (whose only wish was to surrender and get away from Saddam) to death.
Dad Bush encouraged a rebellion against Saddam in the south which grew to 30,000 strong. He then refused to allow the rebels fuel, or access to the arms they had captured, and turned them out to be murdered by the Republican army. American helicopters watched as they were mowed down. Bush had no intention of removing Saddam, his ally.
Your Dad deliberately dropped depleted Uranium "dirty bombs" in Desert Storm. Now thousands of Southern Iraqis are dying ghastly deaths of radiation poisoning. Isn't this worse than anything Saddam Hussein did? Aren't you a cruel and evil family?
Bush's sanctions have now killed another 1.5 million Iraqis, most of them children according to UNESCO.
That's 4.83 million deaths your Dad organized. Is that good for a Satanist? Wasn't George HW Bush responsible for more genocide than Slobbodan Milosevic?
What plans do you have in this direction? Will you be copying your Dad? So far you've carpet bombed a mere 10,000 innocent Afghanis to death, at least 3,500 of whom are women, children or civilians.
Isn't it a fact Mr President, that because of your Dad's millions of killings, the USA is the most hated country in the world today? Don't many Arabs want to get back as the Bushes, still the most powerful family in the CIA?
Now as President you are inventing a war. Aren't you determined to get one? More than one?
In 1976 your Dad said "Nuclear war is winnable". You've just announced a $48 billion increase to your war budget that totals $379 billion. That's seven times more military might than the next biggest country, 36% of the entire world's war chest. Never in the history of warfare has one nation been so militarily invincible. Even the brutal Romans had less of the total. The USA could probably declare war on all the other 235 countries of the world at once and win.
So why the $48 Billion increase? To fight the "tens of thousands" of AlQueda guerrillas you invented in your State of the Union speech? You've already got enough weapons to take out 2 billion people, tens of thousands are just a piece of cake. To combat the knives and pepper spray the 19 terrorists used? Or is war just the only agenda for the Bushes and the Skull and Bones?
Aren't these weapons of mass destruction in the hands of a Skull and Bonesman, who's aim is to nuke 4.5 billion, the real threat? Isn't Saddam Hussein, although your family's long standing ally, just your fall guy?
You may well unite a billion Arabs against the US, who could cut off our oil supplies and force a world war. Haven't you given Ariel Sharon a free hand to provoke just that? Is this incompetence or your intention?
Wouldn't a better plan be to formulate a new American Foreign Policy without bloodshed, and abolish the CIA? Then, at last, no one would have any reason to hate the USA. And bring in stringent retrospective death penalties for government employees who cause bloodshed overseas to stop it happening again. Isn't that the only long term solution? Why aren't you interested?
Instead aren't we going to war just to preserve your Dad's existing bloodthirsty policies, which have lead to 9.5 million CIA inspired deaths in 50 countries around the world? Aren't the CIA the worlds largest state sponsored terrorists?
In the light of the 4.83 million dead Muslims who would still be alive but for George Bush and the CIA, isn't any Bush the most unsuitable person to be leading the USA right now? Shouldn't you resign for your country's sake?
You've easily fooled the naive Mr. Blair into taking Britain into Afghanistan. But what has this private war started by the CIA, and the business only of Bush, the CIA and the Taliban, got to do with Britain? What if the Taliban explode a briefcase nuclear bomb in London in retaliation? What if half a million uninvolved and innocent British people die? Will this merely please you as it will enhance your Commander In Chief status and confirm Britain as your ally?
Given the history and connections of the Bushes wouldn't it pay you to ask the CIA to explode that bomb for you? Has the CIA spread the Anthrax to give you more support (90% for your Commander in Chief role in the polls)? It is precisely the sort of operation they are famous for. And isn't it now proved it's American made anthrax spores?
In your State of the Union address of 29th January 2002 the first half of your speech was devoted to war. Will you be at war throughout your presidency? Can you fool all the Americans all the time?
Isn't it a fact that the combination of the Bush family, the Skull and Bones, and the CIA are the most powerful anti-American forces on the face of this planet?
You called Iran and Iraq the "Axis of evil". 819 of iraq's 821 missiles are destroyed, its nuclear program 93% destroyed according to the UN weapons inspectors who WERE allowed in January 2002; 600,000 children have died because the US isn't letting humanitarian aid into the country. By contrast the USA is now the most powerful military nation the world. Doesn't the real "Axis of evil" control the White House?
Unlike other Western nations, American television "news" is almost entirely given over to war, 24 hours a day, on all channels. Are you deliberately brainwashing Americans to expect war?
You have already been an economic disaster to the USA but you are good at war. It raises your poll ratings and enables you to suppress criticism by jailing without trial those who are a problem to you. Where will your next war be?
20. Your real motive for the Iraq war.As a Satanist, don't you just have to carpet bomb another 200,000 Iraqis to death? Won't you ensure, like your Dad, that not one hair of Saddam's head is touched?
After this carnage will you then sleep the sound sleep of the successful Satanist? Or will you contrive for the war to go wrong so you can fire some of your massive atomic arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, to fulfill the Skull's aims of reducing the the world's population to 2 billion?
21. The Bush Body count - 30 - please Mr. President, don't have me murdered too.Turning again to your family's personal life, a number of people who were about to give testimony that could damage the Bushes have been murdered, and investigations in to their death suddenly terminated. Some are included in the enclosed "Bush body count" of thirty people. Does it bother you that, when your reputation is threatened, people often die?
Are you plainly too stupid for the job, and most of your schemes organized by cronies? Or are you so cunningly devious you have been able to wear a mask of stupidity your entire life?
Wouldn't your crimes would suit a gangster? Why have you been elected to serve a 4 year Presidential term when you should be serving a 30 year prison term for drug dealing alone?
In view of the fraud, deaths, lies, insider trading, drug dealing, drug use, and alcoholism, was it fair for you to enter the residential race at all? You don't care? What if the Press finally decides to do their job, and exposes all this? Your impeachment would make Nixon and Clinton look like saints.
Who would replace you after impeachment? Cheney? His background (e.g. with $3.8 billion corrupt government contracts, Haliburton/Brown and Root's billion dollar drug smuggling) also won't stand close scrutiny. Who in your government is honest enough to replace you without getting impeached? Did you not bother to calculate the damage this could do to America before you started? If the full extent of the activities of you and many of your associates in your government were widely published it could affect confidence and the stock market even more. Doesn't that worry you?
Do you think the American Press is so awful they just won't bother to expose you? Or do you believe you have Soviet style control of the National Press and knowledge of your criminal activities will always remain at the local level?
I apologize if you feel these questions are severe, but in free countries and given your background these are the questions that would be asked today. There is now less personal freedom in the USA than in Europe; can we assume it doesn't bother you in the least that American freedom is very second rate, and declining every day under your regime? Does it not bother you that the verse "the Land of the Free and the home of the Brave" is now a dishonest statement compared to many Western nations?
Mr President, I would like to thank you for your time as this interview draws to a close. But may I please take the opportunity to ask you for one Presidential favor?
As we have seen, many people have died because they knew too much about youractivities. Can you please grant me the favor of not adding me to the list?
Thank you and goodbye.
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