Life Mask Of George Washington

A rare installment from the editor. I USUALLY like the evidence to stand for itself, but this time I am compelled to comment.
What Would George Washington do?
One of those persistent and manifold "inexplicables" I always had about history, was how we rebelled, stole the greatest Jewel the crown ever dreamed of, fought a second war, then suddenly, they are our benevolent English cousins from across the pond! In fifth GRADE, I remember interrogating Daryl Friegard, my brilliant history teacher, why, would England, and more specifically "The Throne" up and one day forgive us for rank rebellion, humiliating defeat, loss of the most and final untapped natural resource on the planet (the North Pole situation not withstanding), and become our dear beloved "cousin."
Non-Sequetor to the MAX! Especially if you know anything about the English. I mean on the face of it they remember every time someone took a shit in 849 AD, write books about it, and studiously track their peerage. Now, having personally known some English, the idea is...well as they would say...downright DAFT. Have you gone MAD?!

So, as an historian, you have one of two choices. The English, and by that I mean The Crown, suddenly, overnight, broke character after a thousand years, and two hundred years after THAT, and made a special place in their hearts for their "American Cousins,"...or...they are making no exception in their character and heart for anyone, as they have demonstrated their ability to do repeatedly, for milena, and are blowing enormous amounts of black Cavendish smoke up the arse holes of their "American Cousins" while the City of London, steals ALL the gold from Fort Knox (sorry kids, look it up...nothing there...but you saw James and Felix Leiter of the noble CIA PROTECT our gold...in a British produced film 40 years ago...Oh, grow the fuck up! Your protests are like "listening to the Beatles without ear muffs...Simply not DONE!" quoth Bond)
Why does the Queen own half of 42nd Street and vast tracts around Times Square? Why did Prince Charles visit "Hurricane Katrina Racked New Orleans" with his winsome bride? (I'll give you the answer to that one, because he BOUGHT half of New Orleans, still under water at rock bottom prices and was looking at his new acquisitions. Luxury hotels are slated for the former homes of "the golliwogs, nignogs, and blackamoors") Why does the Royal Family own nearly all the land around the Denver "New World Airport"?
And most importantly, since we are being dragged into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" ...code word for The North American Union, who, is going to pull the trump card once we are all one? The gangster President of Mexico? The Gangster President Of America (if it be a Bush, he would be a close cousin to both lines of Prince William)? Or... "The Devine and Sovereign Crown of Great Briton and Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, and Saint Kitts and Nevis, where she is represented by Governors-General. The 16 countries of which she is Queen are known as Commonwealth Realms, and their combined population is over 129 million. Elizabeth became Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon[3] upon the death of her father, George VI, on 6 February 1952. As other colonies of the British Empire (now the Commonwealth of Nations) attained independence from the UK during her reign, she acceded to the newly created thrones as Queen of each respective realm so that throughout her 55 years on the throne she has been Monarch of 32 nations, half of which either subsequently adopted other royal houses or became republics."

Henry Kissinger, Knight
Colin Powell, Knight Commander
Ronald Reagan, Knight, Order Of The Bath
The Bushes...well, they just genuflect and work as rank operatives of the crown.
Paul McCartney, Knight
John Lennon, Returned his Order of The British Empire, calling the Queen A Warmonger...shot dead by an MK Ultra, Yale based assassin, 5 months before another Yale based MK ultra assassin shot Ronald Reagan for the love of a pre-pube lesbian, also Yale based.

BTW...did I mention that the CIA recruits as many people from Yale as the FBI does Salt Lake City and Boise?
2+2=5 Winston! Are we going to have to go through this again?!
PS Click on the headline to this article and hear a couple words from Sir Kissinger.
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